The United States Justice urged Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s former advisor, to surrender to serve his prison sentence

The United States Justice urged Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s former advisor, to surrender to serve his prison sentence
The United States Justice urged Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s former advisor, to surrender to serve his prison sentence

Justice urged Donald Trump’s former advisor Steve Bannon to surrender before July 1 (REUTERS)

The US Justice ordered Donald Trump’s former advisor Steve K. Bannon that is delivered to the authorities before the next 1st of July to serve the sentence of four months for refusing to cooperate in investigations into the assault on the Capitolwhich he considered a political maneuver: “They want to silence the MAGA movement (Make America Great Again, the businessman’s motto during his campaigns), silence the grassroots conservatives and silence President Trump.”

In October 2022, Bannon was charged and sentenced for disrespect to Congress after he ignored a subpoena from a House committee prosecuting the case, as well as a request to provide documents related to his participation in the Republican Administration’s efforts to overturn his defeat in the 2020 elections.

Under the influence of his defense, the accused did not appear at the calls because he considered that he could not deliver papers due to a matter of executive privilege and that he was still negotiating with the members of the committee. In his place, his lawyers They appealed the decision They were considered politically motivated allegations, but last month a three-judge panel in federal court in Washington upheld his guilt on the charges.

Bannon’s defense considers that these are accusations driven by political motivations and assured that he will continue appealing to Justice (REUTERS)

While the response from the magistrates arrived, the judge in the case, Carl J. Nichols, a Republican nominated by Trump himself, had allowed him to remain free. However, he must now appear before Justice in less than four weeks, unless try again to request a suspension of the orderwhich could delay the deadline.

One of the lawyers on Bannon’s team, David Schoen, announced that they are preparing a request to the full United States Circuit Court of Appeals and even to the Supreme Court – if necessary – to review the case, and that it would be unfair to imprison his client before knowing the new verdicts.

“That could serve a political agenda but it would be a serious injustice”added in relation to the recent sentence imposed on the former President in the case of bribery of porn actress Stormy Daniels, a few months before the elections.

For his part, Bannon himself told the press some time ago that “I have great lawyers and we are going to go all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.”

In any case, this is not the first nor will it be the last time that the former advisor faces US Justice. Although before leaving office, in 2021, Trump had pardoned him in a federal case that accused him of embezzlementa few months after being declared in contempt, a group of Manhattan state prosecutors accused him of embezzling the money which he helped raise to support the construction of the border wall with Mexico.

The embezzlement case will be held in the same court that convicted Trump in the case of porn actress Stormy Daniels (EFE)

The trial is scheduled to begin later this year in the same court where Trump faced the judges who accused him of irregular handling of funds within the framework of his electoral campaign in 2020.

Like Bannon, Peter Navarro is another advisor to the businessman, convicted of contempt of Congress who, at the time, pointed out that he could not cooperate with the committee due to a matter of executive privilege. However, the magistrates rejected this argument, considering that it was impossible to prove that this issue had actually been raised, and they also sentenced him to four months behind bars.

He appeared before the federal court in Miami in March.

(With information from AP)

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