Student in cafeteria drugged with veterinary ketamine…

Student in cafeteria drugged with veterinary ketamine…
Student in cafeteria drugged with veterinary ketamine…

The Health Protection Agency of the Government of Mexico City suspended activities this Wednesday of the “La Cova” cafeteria, located in the vicinity of Ciudad Universitaria, after the General Directorate of Analysis, Protection and University Security learned that a student was drugged in that business

On her Facebook account, a woman who identified herself as Susan Allenby Rata said that last Friday she decided to buy a frappé in Copilco, at the “La Cova” cafeteria, located in front of Medicina Street.

“I had been shopping there for a while, but that day the frappé was sold to me cheaper by the guy who works there and he insisted that I stay in the store to drink it. I didn’t accept because I was in a hurry, but he even asked me about my hours and things.” I didn’t respond, but he kept insisting that I stay.

“Later, when I was riding in the puma drinking the drink, I started to get dizzy, I heard “fuzzy” and when I arrived at the Facpsi (Faculty of Psychology) I lost the strength in my hands, everything fell out and I was spinning. I fell silent. the frappe, but I still kept taking it because I thought it was a panic attack.

“However, during class little by little I got worse, half of my body fell asleep, I couldn’t see or hear properly, I started to not be able to breathe and when I left I used the puma again, I was very scared that when I passed by Copilco, that guy was waiting for me outside, so I continued to Metro CU. There I passed out for 10 metro stations, almost reaching the base.

“When I came back I couldn’t get up because I had no strength in my legs, I got a lot of vomiting and a migraine making it impossible to move to ask for help. In the end they came for me and took me to a clinic, the end result was that I had gotten into drink ketamine for veterinary use and to this day I still have consequences from the dose,” he said.

— With information from El Universal

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