Teachers at a school in Ludueña report that they have been without gas for 4 years

Teachers at a school in Ludueña report that they have been without gas for 4 years
Teachers at a school in Ludueña report that they have been without gas for 4 years

A group of teachers from Technique No. 473 Juana Elena Blanco reported that For four years the Ludueña neighborhood school has not had gas service. “Students and teachers We can’t stand this situation of abandonment anymore.“says the flyer that is circulating these days.

Enzo Casa is a teacher at the institution and, in dialogue with “The first in the morning” of LT8, said that there are several building deficiencies, to the point that three rooms cannot be used. “Unfortunately, the school has not had a gas connection for four years and the previous administration and this one have been going around and the problem has not been solved,” said the teacher. He explained that On the night shift the cold is felt strongly in the classrooms, in addition to other inconveniences such as leaks in the tin roof.

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The Ministry’s response

The Ministry of Education, through the Undersecretary of School Infrastructure, reported that We are working in coordination with the FAE Rosario on two building issues.

On the one hand, the replacement of window glass in the classrooms. “Of a total of nine glasses, the six prioritized by the institution have already been replaced. The remaining ones will be placed in the first days of next week,” they stated.

Meanwhile, progress is also being made in rehabilitation of gas service. From the educational portfolio they indicated that the work began in March 2023 and that it is in its final stage, which consists of the placement of four lighters in the laboratory sector.

“The director of the school is entering into the administrative process for the purchase and placement of the same. Once this process is completed, the Litoral Gas company will be contacted for the corresponding rehabilitation,” they noted.

Finally, the Ministry highlighted “the management work of the institution, from which they state that they are institutionally unaware of the claim made in the media, since the corresponding processes are underway.”

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