The Province presented the project to bring natural gas to the National University of Río Cuarto – News Web

The Province presented the project to bring natural gas to the National University of Río Cuarto – News Web
The Province presented the project to bring natural gas to the National University of Río Cuarto – News Web
  • Governor Martín Llaryora pledged the support of the provincial State to carry out a work greatly desired by the entire educational community of the House of Higher Studies.
  • “Education cannot stop, Río Cuarto does not stop and neither does its University,” he said.
  • In addition, he announced the execution of the infrastructure to bring the service to more than 1,200 residents of the Las Ferias neighborhood.
  • Together, both works represent an investment of more than 600 million pesos.

Governor Martín Llaryora presented to the rector of the University of Río Cuarto, Marisa Rovera, and the deans of the different faculties, the project to expand the gas network of the House of Higher Studies of the Alternate Capital of the Province, a work which will benefit a population of 20 thousand people, including students, teachers and non-teachers.

The budget for the work exceeds 214 million pesos and also covers the student residence that belongs to the university.

“This university is a source of pride for all Cordobans, this proposal that we are raising today is a recognition, in such a difficult time that the university system is facing defunding,” said the governor. “I stand in solidarity and commit to working together to guarantee necessary resources”he added.

“This university is a symbol of the development of the entire region, that is why when we met with rectors we began to see how to guarantee the completion of important works, such as natural gas.”he added.

The project presented by the Province must be analyzed by the authorities and bodies that make up the UNRC; if approved, the provincial State will be in charge of the works. “This university has always been a model to imitate, because it has its student residences and that has always allowed many kids who did not have resources to study,” the governor highlighted.

In turn, Mayor Juan Manuel Llamosas praised the excellent results of the coordinated work between the Province and the municipality.

“It is a joy to see the fruits of this common work that we are doing; In this way the answers and solutions arrive and are much faster.”

The director of Infrastructure, Rubén Borello, pointed out that “This work is part of a State policy carried out by the province of Córdoba in terms of natural gas service, which began with the installation of trunk gas pipelines that made it possible for gas to reach more than 200 locations in the province.”

Before arriving at the university, Llaryora visited the Las Ferias neighborhood, where the agreement was signed for the execution of the infrastructure that will supply 1,250 neighbors.

To carry out this work, approximately 6,830 meters of pipe will be executed and the budget is around 400 million pesos.

The governor reaffirmed the commitment of the Government of the Province of Córdoba to sustain investments in public works that improve the quality of life of the people of Rio Cuarto.

In this sense, he mentioned iconic works executed and in progress, such as the Parque Sur, an 8-hectare recreational, educational and cultural center on the grounds of the Old Hospital that was enabled last year.

Today we have the great joy of telling you that we will invest more than 400 million pesos so that all families in the Las Ferias neighborhood have natural gas in front of their house, as appropriate.“said Llaryora.

In addition, the governor announced the commitment for the Province to pay half of the curb that the Municipality of Río Cuarto committed to the residents of Las Ferias.

The president of the Las Ferias neighborhood association, Mauricio Batiol, described the arrival of natural gas to the neighborhood as “very good news,” and celebrated the arrival of the curb and the completion of the South Park.

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