Will PRD lose registration? Zambrano takes refuge in calculations to avoid ‘eclipse of the Aztec sun’ – El Financiero

Will PRD lose registration? Zambrano takes refuge in calculations to avoid ‘eclipse of the Aztec sun’ – El Financiero
Will PRD lose registration? Zambrano takes refuge in calculations to avoid ‘eclipse of the Aztec sun’ – El Financiero

The Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) is a few hours away from losing registration at the national level, if the trend of the district counts of the National Electoral Institute (INE) is confirmed. They give you less than 3 percent of votes to stay afloat.

This would lead to the possible disappearance of the party, which with nearly 35 years of history, refuses to ‘die’, or at least that is what Jesús Zambrano, its national leader, says. who insists that he will go to the last resort to avoid loss of registration.

After it was confirmed that in the district counts of the presidential election recorded less than 2 percent of the voteZambrano said that they are doing everything possible to rescue the majority of possible votes for the PRD, which went to these federal elections in alliance with the PRI and the PAN.

“The PRD is alive. It is false that we have lost the legal registration”Zambrano insisted.

Why would the PRD lose registration?

According to the General Law of Political Parties, a front could lose its registration if it does not reach 3 percent of direct votes in at least one of the three federal elections, that is, that of the Presidency, that of the deputations and that of the senators.

As of Thursday, June 6, and while the district calculations finish, the PRD numbers are:

  • Presidential election, with 100 percent of district counts: 1.8647 percent.
  • Senators, with 10.5 percent of the minutes computed: 2.1172 percent.
  • Provincial Councils, with 80.06 percent of the minutes computed: 2.4592 percent.

As the district counts progress, and if the trend continues, the PRD would lose registration at the national level, and the election of deputies would be their last hopesince that is where it is closest to 3 percent.

What is Jesús Zambrano’s strategy to save the PRD?

According to Jesús Zambrano, at this moment the PRD is doing everything possible to rescue enough votes from the registry; however, the numbers do not favor them.

Once the count is over, and if the loss of registration continues, he reported that he will go to the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF), where he will claim “serious violations of the Constitution and electoral laws that were given as part of a State election.”

With that, I would look for the party to survive to the lack of votes in his favor.

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