The youngest people decide to renovate the tube park in the North Zone and create an ‘escape room’

The youngest people decide to renovate the tube park in the North Zone and create an ‘escape room’
The youngest people decide to renovate the tube park in the North Zone and create an ‘escape room’

The youngest of the city have decided, through the Participatory Budgets for Children of Alcoywhat they are most interested in seeing carried out, both in investment proposals and in current spending proposals.

Why is it news?

The votes have brought that the tube park in the North Zone be renovated and an ‘escape room’ be created. These have been the most voted proposals, the first in the investment section and the second in the current spending section.

More details

  • The most viable investment proposals, in addition to the most voted, have been: placing more baskets and goals in the North Zone park; put more fonts and modernize them; improve traffic lights; improve pedestrian crossings; and place more attractive containers.
  • Among current expenses, in addition to the ‘escape room’, the viable proposals have been: multi-adventure activities; a day in Farmland; workshops against bullying and avoiding social exclusion; celebration of Sports Day; tree reforestation; outdoor cinema; excursions to clean nature; sample of extracurricular activities; activities for people with functional diversity; book presentations in libraries; excursions to network better; recycling awareness campaign; karaoke; days to get to know the fauna and animals of the territory better; and theater to raise awareness.
  • This year the 6th grade Primary students from the CEIP Sant Vicent, CEIP Horta Major, CEIP El Romeral, José Arnauda, ​​Carmelitas, La Salle, Salesianos Juan XXIII and Sant Roc educational centers participated. In addition to the students of the CPEE Tomàs Llàcer and the Local Council of Children and Adolescents of Alcoi CLIA Alcoi.
  • A representation of this student body has presented the points in the municipal plenary session.
  • The economic amount for these budgets is 25,000 euros, of which 20,000 are for Investment proposals and 5,000 for Current Expenditure proposals.
  • The Department of Citizen Participation of the City Council has been in charge of verifying that the proposals made by the boys and girls meet the criteria established in the bases.

The key

As the Councilor for Participation has indicated, Aroa Mira, “the main objective of Participatory Children’s Budgets is to give a voice and involve the youngest citizens of our municipality in order to know their main needs and include them in the city’s annual budget. With this initiative we also facilitate the exercise of children’s right to be heard and to have their opinion taken into account in matters that affect them.”

For more information, see here the proposals that have been made in these Participatory Children’s Budgets since 2017.

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