Province will take charge of the gas lines for the UNRC

The budget for the work exceeds 214 million pesos and also covers the student residence that belongs to the university.

The project presented by the Province must be analyzed by the authorities and bodies that make up the UNRC; if approved, the provincial State will be in charge of the works.

Martín Llaryora pointed out that the work is part of the government’s support for education and announced that the campus will be the headquarters of the Córdoba Innovar y Emprender Agency.

“This university is a symbol of the development of the entire region, that is why when we met with rectors we began to see how to guarantee the completion of important works, such as natural gas.”

The Governor thanked the support of the mayors of Río Cuarto, Juan Llamosas, and from Las Higueras, Gianfranco Lucchesiand expressed solidarity with the “very prestigious” UNRC given “this very difficult moment that the university system is going through”convinced that ““A country can grow with education, never without education.”

In dialogue with UniRío TV, the governor also said that the natural gas line “is a way to help” and to demonstrate that “Córdoba does not stop, neither does Río Cuarto.”

The rector of the UNRC, Marisa Rovera, celebrated “what it means to have a gas project as a public university” and highlighted the “incomparable social role of the residences” and noted that “with the support of the governments of Las Higueras, Río Cuarto” and the leadership of the Province will quickly get the job done.

He reviewed that the arrival of natural gas through Córdoba was thanks to efforts made “through shared commitments” among the institutions.

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