Dolors Montserrat: “Voting for the PSOE is voting for corruption”

Dolors Montserrat: “Voting for the PSOE is voting for corruption”
Dolors Montserrat: “Voting for the PSOE is voting for corruption”

The PP candidate for the European elections warns that we are facing “a populist government with very dangerous tics” that has activated the Monclovite argument of “mud and hoax to cover up everything that is on top”

He explains that, despite the fact that Sánchez loves the Spanish “unwilling, unmotivated and divided and, fed up with everything, their corruption and their shame, they do not go out to vote, they are not going to silence us. This Sunday let’s say enough is enough with the vote.”emphasizes

“No one is going to take away our enthusiasm and desire, we are not going to bow our heads when there are signs in the purest Bolivarian style.”“We are not going to remain silent when there are attacks on judges and the press and we are not going to look the other way when they strike down the equality of all Spaniards with the infamous amnesty law,” he emphasizes.

He states that “Spain does not deserve to experience the embarrassing and regrettable spectacle permanent of a president who resists in power in agony.” “The PSOE talks about mud, hoaxes and extreme right so that they don’t talk about what hurts the most,” he reproaches.

He points out that it is “regrettable and dangerous” to see all socialist ministers attacking judicial independence because “the PSOE is cornered by corruption.” “The party of the 680 million defrauded in the ERE received a woman among applause for corruption and influence peddling”Add

Remember how the socialist European candidate publicly pointed out the judge investigating Puigdemont and now says that investigating Begoña goes against the democratic state

It states that with this Government we have become accustomed to the rule that “a bigger scandal covers up the previous one which was already tremendous and seemed insurmountable” and remembers the cases of Tito Berni or the Koldo plot that splashes on the right hand of Pedro Sánchez, José Luis Ábalos, the case of Delcy Rodríguez, the indictment of senior ADIF officials and now the Prosecutor’s Office European investigating the wife of the president of the Government

“There is no plot, no story, no mud machinery of any kind that covers all this.”. Sánchez came to power with an unfair motion of censure giving lessons on Anti-Corruption and corruption has devoured him. Sánchez says that we are splashing in the mud for telling the truth, but here the only one who splashes is him and he is submerged in corruption,” he argues.

Notes that “Europe is democracy and it is freedom. Without the rule of law there is no democracy, there is no constitutional Spain and there is no European Union.” and assures that the Popular Party will lead the European response to protect our Rule of Law against the infamous Amnesty Law, “We are going to prohibit pardons and amnesties for corruption in Europe,” he says.

He asks for the vote for the Popular Party, “the vote that hurts Sánchez the most.” “The time has come to raise your voice. with the power of the vote. The time has come to unite to win. The time has come to defend Spain in Europe. And it can only be achieved with the vote for the Popular Party.”

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