Two police officers are accused of extorting gas plants in Huaraz: PJ issued preventive detention against officers

Two police officers are accused of extorting gas plants in Huaraz: PJ issued preventive detention against officers
Two police officers are accused of extorting gas plants in Huaraz: PJ issued preventive detention against officers

Police officers are investigated for belonging to a criminal extortion gang | Latin News

He Power of attorney issued 12 months of preventive detention against two traffic police officers in Huaraz because they are accused of belonging to an alleged gang of extortionists. This measure was taken after receiving complaints from companies related to two gas plants located in Chihuipampa de St nicolasalleging threats from the agents, warning that, if they did not comply with their demands, they would attack their businesses.

The authorities have pointed out Nestor Alfredo Clemente Castromontealias ‘Gordo’; Omar David Valdiviedo Silvaalias ‘Valdi’, and Heber Nixon Toledo Fernandez, alias ‘Tole’, as suspects in the investigation. It was learned that Valdiviedo Silva and Toledo Fernández are members of the Active Transit Unit.

According to the prosecutor’s thesis, the defendants would have planned and executed explosive detonations in two gas storage plants in the city. These actions were intended to require the owners of the facilities to pay sums that They reach 30 thousand soles in cash.

The subjects communicated through text messages to intimidate their victims. The case is being handled by the Fifth Provincial Corporate Criminal Prosecutor’s Office of Huarazin Ancash, from where the corresponding evidence will be collected. Meanwhile, the three accused will be in prison until the investigations last.

Two traffic police officers are accused of extorting and detonating explosives at gas plants in Huaraz | RSD Radio

The head of the Huaraz Criminal Investigation Division, Fredy Escudero, pointed out that one more person would be involved, but that he has not yet been captured. Likewise, he indicated that it has been a long preliminary investigation to find the alleged involved.

“According to the investigations, the information would come from the same gas supply company for the plants, where it has been determined that two more civilians would be involved,” he told Áncash Noticias.

At another time, he ruled out that the businessmen had given money to the extortionists. Meanwhile, he specified that the police case will be investigated internally in the PNP Inspectorate to know your employment situation.

Director of Regional Police Administration, Gaston Alzamora, maintained that they will be in charge of the “guidelines at the level of the administration headquarters” so that a decision can be made. Likewise, the sanction could go up to the dismissal of the authorities.

Two traffic police officers are accused of extorting and detonating explosives at gas plants in Huaraz | Prosecutor’s Office

The authorities accessed the security cameras of the businesses, where they first showed a subject leaving explosive material at the door of the premises. A few minutes later, an explosion is heard.

On a second occasion, in another location, the same characteristics of the attack are seen. The man who left the material is wearing a black hood and fleeing in a vehicle that was waiting for him a few meters away.

“We have worked hard. We made viewings of cameras, witnesses and a series of procedures by the personnel of the Extortion Division. This is how the First Preparatory Court of Huaraz has assessed the investigation,” he added.

The police officers of the Santa Police Station in Chimbote They have been threatened after the arrest of several members of a criminal gang in the sector. The agents received intimidating messages through WhatsApp after proceeding with the arrests, according to the head of the police force. Chimbote Police Divisioncolonel Carol Vigo Catter.

Colonel Vigo explained that the threatening messages reached the official telephone number of the police station. Likewise, the minister of Inside, Juan José Santivañezindicated that he requested to meet with the president of the Power of attorneybecause it was the entity that set them free.

“We have become aware of some threatening messages detected on the telephone designated for the Santa Police Station that would come from a criminal gang, whose members were arrested by the staff of this police station and for the alleged crime of extortion,” he said.

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