Society Service Center is decentralized with INAI-IZAI agreement

Society Service Center is decentralized with INAI-IZAI agreement
Society Service Center is decentralized with INAI-IZAI agreement

“Next week it will be 22 years since the right of access to information became effective in Mexico, the result of the struggle of academics, civil society, journalists, citizens and even figures who are part of the government today. Today, Mexicans have the right to know public information and it is something from which there can be no going back,” said Julieta del Río Venegas, Commissioner of the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI).

During the signing of a collaboration agreement between the INAI and the Zacatecano Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (IZAI), he specified that both the INAI and the local body of the entity must be calm, because they are the right to know and data protection what must prevail, because they are human rights earned by society.

The purpose of the collaboration agreement is for the INAI Society Service Center to strengthen and train the transparency unit of the guarantor body of Zacatecas.

Julieta del Río Venegas, Commissioner of the INAI, highlighted the importance of these areas, since their function is to provide care and advice to users who come looking for a solution to their problems:

“Our Society Service Center and the IZAI transparency unit are, without a doubt, one of the most important areas within our Institutes. Not only are they the door for people to our Institutions, but they help users to make the exercise of access to information and protection of personal data a reality,” he added.

He explained that this signing of the agreement derives from the presentation “Innovation, Quality and Warmth. 3 years after the renewal of the CAS of the INAI”, last April 4 in Zacatecas and where it was agreed to work together, contributing the knowledge and practices that the CAS of the INAI has accumulated since its incorporation into the organic structure since the year 2015.

The approved agreement establishes that the INAI CAS will support the staff of the IZAI transparency unit in relation to queries related to complaints of personal data against individuals, either through remote advice or by channeling the call to INAI staff. Likewise, in consultations regarding issues of powers of the guarantor body of Zacatecas.

In addition, the Transparency Unit will be trained in the management of disruptive users, stress management, experience and good practices of the service and they were included in the INAI CAS training that took place from April 6 to 17, titled “Strategic Communication for Excellence in Public Service.”

Finally, he highlighted the work carried out by the IZAI and mentioned that “in this way, we continue to grow and serve citizens, helping people not only to know the rights that we protect, but also to be able to do so in a simple, guided way, always with quality and warmth, through its CAS.”

Fabiola Torres Rodríguez, Presidential Commissioner of the IZAI, highlighted that the transparency unit has become a citizen service window, a situation that is fundamental because the guarantor bodies owe themselves to the citizens and work for them.

“We are happy because we have the support of the INAI, the INAI Center for Attention to Society has strengthened us, the collaboration we have had will be reflected today in this collaboration agreement”

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