Venezuela seeks to increase its gasoline and gas production through alliances with Iran

Venezuela seeks to increase its gasoline and gas production through alliances with Iran
Venezuela seeks to increase its gasoline and gas production through alliances with Iran

Caracas, June 7 (EFECOM).- Venezuela seeks to increase its gasoline and gas production through alliances with Iran, the state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) reported this Friday through the social network will be used to achieve the increase nor the date on which the work will begin.

He explained that thanks to the participation of the Iranian company Hilavis Arina, the Caribbean country will consolidate the increase in production of natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, as well as natural gasoline from the extraction plants in San Joaquín, Anzoátegui state (northeast), and Jusepín and Santa Bárbara in the state of Monagas (northeast).

“Thanks to the strategic alliance that President Nicolás Maduro has promoted with the Islamic Republic of Iran, PDVSA Gas is strengthening its operations and expanding its production capacity with high-value technological additions,” PDVSA said.

On June 3, the Iranian Embassy in Venezuela reported that an Iranian business delegation met with the sectoral vice president of the Economy and Minister of Industries, José Félix Rivas Alvarado, to “strengthen bilateral cooperation” and review “the state of joint projects”.

In February of this year, Iran’s Oil Minister, Chabad Owji, visited Venezuela with the aim of strengthening the bilateral energy alliance.

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, estimated last Saturday that the country will produce “at least” 1,200,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) in 2024 and predicted reaching 2,000,000 bpd for next year. He also proposed recovering “petrochemical production” and “expanding investment and gas production.” EFECOM


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