The best PRD memes and the possibility that it will lose its registration as a party – El Financiero

The PRD could lose its registration as a political party at the national level if the National Electoral Institute (INE) confirm that the ‘party of the rising sun’ did not reach the 3% of the votes necessary to remain in politics. While they wait, social media users made the best memes on the topic.

Why could the PRD lose its registration as a political party?

The General Law of Political Parties dictates that if a political force does not obtain at least 3% of the votes in a federal election (Presidency, deputies and senators) then it would not have registration.

According to the cut made by the INE on June 6, after computerizing all the minutes of the 2024 elections, the results of the PRD would be the following:

  • Presidential election: 1.8 percent with 100 percent of district counts.
  • Senators: 2.1 percent with around 10 percent of minutes computed.
  • Deputations: 2.4 percent, with just over 89 percent of the minutes.

At the moment the ‘party of the rising sun’ does not reach the minimum necessary to stay afloat.

The PRD could lose its registration as a party and the memes were immediate. (Capture: Social networks)

What did Jesús Zambrano say about the possible loss of PRD registration?

Jesús Zambrano, national leader of the PRD, claimed to have a strategy to maintain the registration of his party.

In a publication on social networks, Zambrano assured that at the end of the count he will go to the Electoral Tribunal of the Power of Justice of the Federation (TEPJF) where he will claim violations of the Constitution.

“The district calculations continue. We continue in the fight to rescue votes for the PRD. After this phase, the corresponding phase will follow our defense before the TEPJF for serious violations of the Constitution and electoral laws (…) it is false that we have lost the legal registration,” he wrote.

However, Mario Delgado, national leader of Morena, shared a brief message on his social networks on June 6 where he assured that the INE officially reported on the case of the PRD and the loss of its registration as a party at the national level.

What politicians have been in the PRD?

Currently, there are some Mexican politicians active in other parties or retired, but who were once members of the ranks of the PRD, among them

  • Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas.
  • Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
  • Marcelo Ebrard.
  • Ifigenia Martínez.
  • Gerardo Fernández Noroña.
  • Ricardo Monreal.
  • Alejandra Barrales.

The best PRD memes

While waiting for what the INE will decide on the future of the Party of the Democratic Revolution, social media users shared their best memes:

The PRD became a trend on networks due to the possibility of losing its registration as a political force. (Capture: Social networks)

PRD does not have, at the moment, the minimum necessary to maintain the registry at the national level. (Capture: Social networks)

PRD does not have, at the moment, the minimum necessary to maintain the registry at the national level. (Capture: Social networks)

The PRD was the protagonist of memes on the networks. (Capture: Social networks)

The PRD was the protagonist of memes on the networks. (Capture: Social networks)


Some celebrated that the PRD lost the registration. (Capture: Social networks)

PRD could lose its registration and jokes about it appeared. (Capture: Social networks)

PRD could lose its registration and jokes about it appeared. (Capture: Social networks)

They remembered jokes from the past, but adjusted to the PRD case. (Capture: Social networks)

They remembered jokes from the past, but adjusted to the PRD case. (Capture: Social networks)

Some considered that the PRD had been one of the best parties in the history of Mexico. (Capture: Social networks)

Some considered that the PRD had been one of the best parties in the history of Mexico. (Capture: Social networks)


The PRD could lose its national registration after the PREP counts. (Photoart: El Financiero)

The PRD could disappear. (Capture: Social networks)

The PRD could disappear. (Capture: Social networks)

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