“I thought it didn’t catch me and it caught me”

“I’m disappointed to have lost that bronze at the last moment”He said Laura García-Caro after possibly starring in an image that I will never forget. The Spaniard had just lost the bronze medal in the European athletics competition in the 20 km walk at the finish line. When she was already celebrating that third position with the Spanish flag on her shoulders, raising her arm, she suddenly turned her gaze to the right and saw Lyudmila Olvanovska overcome it at high speed. Just above the finish line. She lost that third place when she already thought she had it. Tremendous. Despite her displeasure, the Huelva native did not hesitate to come forward and explain what happened with enormous fortitude.


“On the last lap I was quite exhausted and I tried to sprint with what I had left because I wanted to reach the last few meters with the biggest advantage possible. It is true that in 300 (with 300 meters to go) and the 200 was looking backwards, I was going with a pretty good pace, in the 100 I saw her far away and I pushed as hard as I could. I thought she didn’t catch me and she caught me. “I’m left with the fact that after a difficult year I’m back.”said Laura García-Caro, insisting that although she was celebrating, she was giving it her all anyway, without relaxing.

García-Caro was overcome in the last five meters of the test

“I was already focused on getting there and although I know that you see me celebrating, in reality I was giving everything. I don’t know if I trusted myself but in the last 400 I was giving everything and looking back”argument.

García-Caro was overcome in the last five meters of the test

García-Caro was overcome in the last five meters of the test


Drama after a tough fight against persistent COVID

“I am not at all happy with this ending and I hope that on another occasion it will be different. I have competed well, I have given everything and I have had a spectacular season beyond this accident. I have had a pretty bad year and a half and I have managed to turn it around by fighting with all my might. Now I hope to learn from this mistake and continue working to come back stronger.”

Laura had to face a persistent COVID that left her out for more than a year after marveling at the Eugene 2022 World Cup, where she was 6th in the 35-kilometer walk test. In 2024, after such a nightmare, she saw the light. And after so much suffering, she could celebrate an epic bronze. She celebrated, but before time. Until the finish line, anything can happen. And it happened.

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