You have to use the mask again

You have to use the mask again
You have to use the mask again

To reduce the impact of this peak of infections, it was advised to apply the anti-flu vaccine, although he recalled that this method does not immunize against potential contagion. “The flu vaccine does not prevent contagion, but it does prevent a serious case of pneumonia or hospitalization. It is recommended especially for the population at risk, such as pregnant women, people with asthma, those undergoing chemotherapy, people over 65 years of age,” he reported in a interview with LU5.

The professional indicated that swabs are not being carried out with the method that was applied during the coronavirus pandemic, although some random tests are being carried out as surveillance. Although she recalled that this multiplication of cases of respiratory diseases is not linked to a resurgence of the pandemic, she did recommend returning to the mask.

“Today we associate the mask with a very dark moment that we all had,” he said, noting that it is still an effective method of protection, so there is no need to judge people who decide to use it.

“The mask is our best friend, we have to become friends again and we have to use it for something supportive,” he said and added: “We have to take it off again, I have to put it on and no one has to tell me anything.”

For Goldman, it is important to resume habits that began during the pandemic and that involve a gesture of solidarity towards other people. Thus, she reminded that you should not go to work or to crowded spaces when you have a flu like H1N1. In case outings are unavoidable, he recommended not doing so during the first three days, which is the stage in which he becomes most contagious.

“And if I have to go out anyway, it’s best to wear a mask. Maybe I’ll have it, but the person next to me won’t have such a good time because they’re a high-risk population or they didn’t have access to vaccines,” the doctor said.

Chinstraps. Public transport. Trains.

Specialists maintain that the mask and other preventive measures are key to avoiding Covid-19 infections.

In addition to the use of a mask, he proposed continuing with the most common health recommendations to avoid infections, such as frequent hand washing, ventilation of the environments and coughing or sneezing into the crook of the elbow.

Infections triple this winter

“We know that winter is coming and we have more consultations. We prepare for that with resources and supplies. But what is really happening exceeded our expectations. The situation is one of very high demand,” said the head of the Pediatric Emergency and Emergency Services of the Neuquén Provincial Hospital, Belén Ehlersin dialogue with LMNeuquén.

He recalled that in 2020 and 2021, consultations had decreased. After the Covid-19 pandemic, years similar to the pre-pandemic came. But this 2024Winter hasn’t started yet and There is a lot of consultation, greater than previous years without it being winter yet. “So, we think it comes differently for everyone, especially kids. The infections are very high“, he expressed.

Going to the cold numbers, queries almost triple. On a normal day, the Castro Rendón guard cares for an average of between 60 and 70 patients. This week in JuneEhlers noted, up to 170 patients per day attend on call. “It is a lot for a guard, with variable waiting times of two to three hours, if an emergency does not appear,” he said this Wednesday.

How to get the flu vaccine

Annually, the campaign is carried out throughout the country to reduce complications, hospitalizations, sequelae and deaths caused by influenza virus infection in the population at risk. In addition, it is a great opportunity to complete the COVID-19 vaccine boosters.

The flu vaccine is included in the Regular Vaccination Schedule for specific groups: health personnel, pregnant people (at any time during pregnancy), postpartum people, people from 6 to 24 months inclusive (they must receive two doses separated by at least one month), people from 25 to 35 months inclusive with risk factors ( must receive two doses separated by at least one month), people over 2 to 8 years of age, including those with risk factors (they must receive two doses separated by at least one month), and all people from 65 years of age, and between 9 and 64 years old with risk factors such as heart, respiratory, kidney diseases, immunosuppression, obesity and diabetes.

For this target population, the flu vaccine is free and does not require a doctor’s order. It can be applied together with any other vaccine and, according to the entry of batches, they will be distributed to continue with the different groups that must receive it.

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