What happens with the Social Rate and the “cold zones” for gas and electricity in June 2024

What happens with the Social Rate and the “cold zones” for gas and electricity in June 2024
What happens with the Social Rate and the “cold zones” for gas and electricity in June 2024

Middle and low-income households will pay a more expensive rate due to the removal of subsidies. However, the Ministry of Energy confirmed that state assistance will be maintained for a small group of beneficiaries. What they are, in this note.

As reported, specific subsidy regimes such as Cold Zone and the Social Rate intended for a group of ANSES beneficiaries are still valid.

In the case of public welfare entities, neighborhood and town clubs, “rebates are applied to the price of natural gas and electricity for N2 (low income) for the total volume consumed.”

Subsidies: what happens with the Social Rate and the Cold Zone regime in June

In the middle of sharp cut in subsidies of the electricity rates and gas For middle and low-income users that the Government applied, a group of beneficiaries will continue to receive state assistance. These are:

  • Users of the Social Rate: retirees, pensioners, among others.
  • Households residing in cold areas

The Social Rate was created for those people in vulnerable situations to pay a lower price for the public services. It reaches retirees and pensioners, people with disabilities, beneficiaries of the Universal Child Allowance (AUH) and those who receive unemployment benefits.

With respect to the regime of Cold Zonethe law 27,637 establishes a discount on gas rates from among the 30% and fifty% in 90 municipalities of the province of Buenos Aires.

For its part, the law 25,565 dictates that residents in patagonian provinces receive a discount on gas tickets. This benefit is solved through Trust Fund for Residential Gas Consumption Subsidies which is financed with a surcharge on the rest of the households. The discounts on the Patagonian Zone benefits 900,000 users.

Electricity subsidies: what is known about the RASE form

After the decision of the Executive to advance in the removal of subsidies on electricity and gas bills, homes segmented in the minor level (N2) and middle income (N3) will stop receiving state assistance gradual way during the June 1 and the November 30.

Since June 1, a was established maximum consumption limit monthly gas and electricity to be subsidized and a system of “bonuses or discounts” to residential users of low and middepending on the income and location of each household.

For this, we will call re-register in the Register of Access to Energy Subsidies (RASE) in case users They did not carry out the procedure previously.

Electricity and gas rates without subsidies: how much will have to be paid from June

If it is considered a Average consumption of 260 kWhthe value of the final monthly invoices will be as follows:

  • High income (level 1): From June, they will pay a fee of $24,710 to $30,355. An increase of 22.8%. Until now, it was the only group that did not receive state assistance.
  • Average income (level 3): The electricity rate will be $16,850a 155.9% more expensive. In May, they received a bill for $6,585.
  • Low income (level 2): ​​The bill will go from $6,295 to $12,545 in June, reflecting an increase in 99.3%.

In the case of gas rates, the bills will be the following:

  • High income (level 1): From June and with a monthly consumption of 149 m3, you will pay a rate of $25,756 to $28,142. An increase of 9.26%.
  • Average income (level 3): If consumption is 171 m3, the gas rate will be $26,865, 9.80% more expensive. In May, they received a bill for $24,465.
  • Low income (level 2): ​​With a monthly consumption of 159 m3, the bill will rise from $15,638 to $20,797 in June, reflecting an increase in 33%.
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