Palestine. “Morocco’s high betrayal of the Palestinian cause is abominable”: Interview with Al-Kaïsi of the PFLP

Palestine. “Morocco’s high betrayal of the Palestinian cause is abominable”: Interview with Al-Kaïsi of the PFLP
Palestine. “Morocco’s high betrayal of the Palestinian cause is abominable”: Interview with Al-Kaïsi of the PFLP

Middle East Summary, June 7, 2024.

Nadir Al-Kaïsi, representative of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), described Morocco’s high betrayal of the Palestinian cause as abominable, which he compared to a stab in the back by a supposed sister country.
During his intervention on the program “Daif Eddoualya (the guest of the international segment)” on Radio Algeria International, he stated that intelligence reports unequivocally prove his active collaboration in the massacres perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza Strip. He did not fail to announce that his organization was withdrawing from the Makhzen regime its “regency” of the El-Quds committee, a regime that he described as colonial and that occupies the territories of the Sahrawi people. “We describe the Moroccan regime as a colonizer and we reiterate our support for the Sahrawi people and recognize their right to self-determination,” said he, the PFLP member.
Referring to Morocco’s collusion with Israel, he affirmed that the practices of King Mohammed VI constitute an ignominy and a high betrayal of the Palestinian cause. “We feel resentment when we see the complicit silence of the normalizing Arab countries (of relations with Israel) and with them at the forefront the Moroccan colonizing regime,” he denounced. Nadir Al Kaïsi recalled that more than one million Israeli settlers living in the occupied Palestinian territories are of Moroccan origin and several of them have dual nationality.
It should be remembered that the collusion between Rabat and Tel Aviv does not date back to today. It dates back several decades, and the collaboration between Mossad and DGDSE agents for the murder of opposition figure Mehdi Ben Barka in Paris is a historical fact supported by numerous incriminating evidence. The betrayal of Hassan II, who offered a Mossad team the minutes of the Arab summit held in Morocco in 1966, is another proof of the submission of the so-called father of the Commander of the Believers (king of Morocco) to the Zionist order. It must be remembered that, since the signing of the Abraham Accords, Morocco has taken many steps in its submission to the Zionist order. He has even become a lackey in the region whom he manipulates at will. The Moroccan Front against Normalization has even raised the alarm, stating that the country is falling like a ripe fruit into the hands of the Zionist entity and that, at the rate things are going, it is the country’s sovereignty that will be in question.

It is also worth remembering that Morocco has become a “thug” state that is little by little being excluded from the international community. The Makhzen’s use of blackmail and espionage has become common practice. The Pegasus affair has not yet revealed all its secrets and the affair of corrupt MEPs continues to wreak havoc in Italy, France and Belgium.
For many observers, the rapprochement between Rabat and Tel Aviv is not a new fact, but arises from the ties of many Israeli officials with Morocco.
In 2020, Netanyahu’s Government had ten ministers of Moroccan origin, and the current Executive Branch led by extremist settlers who support the extermination of the Palestinian people has reserved four portfolios for ministers of Moroccan origin.
The M6, which believed in the myth of the invincibility of the Tsahal (Israel’s army), was surprised by the heroic attack of the Palestinian resistance on October 7. Upon seeing the amount of losses in the ranks of this army, he rushed to their aid. But their support was of no use to him since, despite the mass massacres, war crimes and crimes against humanity of Netanyahu and his child-killing officers, they did not manage to make Hamas disappear or extinguish the flame of the Palestinian resistance. Quite the contrary, it is the very existence of Israel as a colonizing country that is called into question. Even if the M6 ​​came to Israel’s aid, the Moroccan people are already aware of the dangers that await their country, as many Moroccan Jews have already set in motion the process that will make our neighbor to the West (Morocco) the alternative homeland for Israelis preparing to flee occupied Palestine.

Source: Infosurglobal

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