Who were Elena Hinojosa and Eduardo Páez?: the new victims of Hugo Bustamante

Elena Hinojosa Cena and Eduardo Páez Hinojosa are the names of the last known victims of Hugo Bustamantewho He confessed to both of their crimes only in 2024.

In an interview given to the journalist Ivonne Toro, author of the book “The Ámbar Girl”, the subject admitted having committed a double homicide in the 90s that would not have been investigated by the authorities.

Both victims They correspond to a mother and her son who disappeared 28 years agoabout whom there was a complaint for alleged misfortune since 1996when all trace of them was lost.

In his confession, Hugo Bustamante alluded to the fact that Hinojosa and Páez were murdered inside their home located in street Cobadonga 641in the commune of German Villa.

This information coincides with the discovery of two bodiesduring the afternoon of this Friday, June 7, at the same address mentioned above.

Now, the Investigative Police (PDI) and the Legal Medical Service They are working to determine if the bodies found in the home of the “Drum Killer” They correspond to the mother and son who disappeared in 1996.

Who were Elena Hinojosa and Eduardo Páez?

They were 55 and 27 years old, respectively, Elena Hinojosa Cerca and Eduardo Páez Hinojosa at the time of their disappearance.

Those who knew both mention that the mother and her son were “very united”, since they did not maintain much communication with other family members. At that time, They lived in the El Tamarugo sectorin the commune of Villa Alemana.

The woman dedicated herself to the kitchenMeanwhile he young man had a criminal record. And it is precisely in this context that he met Hugo Bustamante.

The information collected to date establishes that Eduardo Páez and the “Drum Killer” began a friendship inside the prison, Well, both were arrested for robbery.

When they left, they maintained contact and it was some time later that the perpetrator of the crime of Amber Cornejo contacted Elena Hinojosa to inform him that his son was kidnappedtaking her to her home, at Covadonga 641, to “help her”.


However, in that place both would have been murdered by Bustamante and buried several meters deep.

“From one day to the next, I get up in the morning, and I see that the door to his house was open. I called her because it was strange and no one came out (…) we called her and nothing, and from then on we never heard from them again. They searched, the police came once, searched everything, but there is nothing,” said Susana Madariaga, who was a neighbor of Hinojosa.

According to the neighbor, Elena “was about to buy an apartment, it had already come out so he was going to leave and that was lost. She had all of her savings and all of that was lost, because she was not there.”

The woman would have at least five brothers who are still alive and who will now be key to determine if the bodies found correspond to Hinojosa and Páez.

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