Neuquén volunteer firefighters were excluded from the gas fee exemption

“On alert and prepared to go to the last consequences”was the beginning of the letter he wrote Lorenzo Felix Lorentepresident of the Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Villa Pehuenia and Moquehueabout the situation that some barracks in the province are going through regarding the ratification of the national provision that exempts the units from paying the gas rate. The measure benefits all those who receive service natural gas through networkthus excluding those who have Liquid gaswhose case is replicated in several barracks located in the colder areas of the Neuquén territory.

The Resolution No. 252/2024 which was published in the Official bulletin last Wednesday dictated the implementation of the benefit of free gas service, provided in Chapter I of the National Law 27,629 of Strengthening the National Volunteer Firefighters System.

“It is established that said benefit must be reflected in the billing for the provision of public services for the provision of electrical energy, natural gas supplied by networkdrinking water and sewage collection, fixed telephony, mobile telephony in all its modalities and information technology services, and communications that are under national jurisdiction,” it states in the recitals.

In this sense, in contact with Better Informedthe president of the Neuquén Federation of Volunteer Firefighters, Milton Canalessaid that this measure is of “great importance” and that “it will greatly help the Volunteer Fire Departments that have natural gas service through the network.”

But, Félix Lorente indicated through social networks that there are 4 or 5 barracks that would not benefit, since they have liquefied gas service through the network instead of natural. In addition to Villa Pehuenia and Moquehueenlisted the barracks of aluminized, Caviahue and Copahue, Loncopué, The sheep, The Huecú and Barracks; although he did not rule out there being more firefighting units in the same situation in the interior of the province.

“What is the fault of our volunteer firefighters who live in one of the coldest areas with the greatest amount of snowfall in winter for receiving LPG gas service through the network and not natural gas through the network?” said Lorente and added: ” When preparing this resolution, Did you not realize this?“.

The barracks’ latest bill is $69,209.36 before new increases for consumption and fixed load. The costs would rise exponentially if they were not exempt from payment.

As he National Council of Volunteer Firefighters as the executive board of the Neuquén Federation of Volunteer Firefighters They seek to resolve this situation before the authorities of ENARGAS and IDENESA. “We appeal to the common sense of all those who can and should reverse this situation,” said the president of the association, hoping that be resolved urgently, since winter is approaching. Furthermore, if they do not have answers, they anticipated that they will present a protection.

“For us (Villa Pehuenia and Moquehue) and for the rest of the other four or more towns that suffer the winter more than any official who is well heated in his house – without even living and suffering the winter – voluntarily saving lives, as our volunteer firefighters from all over the country do 365 days a year,” he concluded.

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