Pato Levy, son of Talina Fernández, dies at 53 – El Financiero

Patricio Levy Fernández, son of Talina Fernández, died this June 10 at the age of 53, after announcing from the end of 2023 that he was going to sell his things to pay his expenses. health problems.

In recent months, Patricio had had health and financial problems.

In October 2023, he commented that in an interview with Windowing that was hospitalized for heart problems: “I am at home with a lot of care, I have to have surgery to help me with the heart failure and with the arrhythmiabut I don’t have a penny.”

‘Coco’ and ‘Pato’, children of Talina Fernández. (darkroom)

What did Pato Levy die from?

According to what his family informed N+, ‘Pato’s death occurred while he was sleeping; His brother ‘Coco’ Levy explained on Gustavo Adolfo Infante’s YouTube channel:

“Pato had a heart failure, an arrhythmia, a partially punctured lung and diabetes, a long time ago he was sick with many things, all of them together, he was trying to get better, he had improved a little, but we couldn’t.”

According to Levy, Patricio was found dead by his girlfriend Axel: “He came to knock on the room and told me ‘run him, Pato is cold’… it must have been around 3 in the morning.”

‘Coco’ added that his brother had had a Gastric Bypass 10 years ago and when he was a child he had a murmur and at the age of 12 he had open heart surgery that had not brought him complications until a few years ago, which began with the arrhythmia.

“We have lived in stress for a long time, for many reasons, first the accusation I had, which was more false than anything, they took away my job, then my mother, she was already old… Pato had not done so well financially, I was trying to sell a house.”

Patricio had two sons, Juan and Pedro, who live in Querétaro.

Just a few months ago his stepbrother, Fernando, who lived with the Levys, died and had a heart attack.

Talina Fernández with her three children when they were young. (Photo: Instagram / @talinafernandezoficial)

Who was Pato Levy, son of Talina Fernández?

Talina Fernández died on June 28, 2023 and had three children with the Frenchman Gerardo Levty: Gerardo Patricio, Mariana and Juan Jorge ‘Coco’.

Mariana died in 2005 following a heart attack allegedly caused by an attempted assault.

Gerardo Patricio Levy Fernández He was the youngest of the children of the ‘Lady of Good Saying’, who had kept a low profile in the entertainment industry.

In recent years, ‘Coco’ participated in a podcast called Blah Blah Blah for Talina’s YouTube channel.

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