Trump prepares important meeting with Republican legislators

Trump prepares important meeting with Republican legislators
Trump prepares important meeting with Republican legislators

WASHINGTON — Republican representatives will meet privately with former President Donald Trump on Thursday, when the presumptive presidential candidate will return to the Capitol grounds for the first time since leaving the White House.

Trump had planned to meet privately with Republican senators, and will now speak with the representatives. The leader of the Republican caucus in the Lower House, Elise Stefanik, notified legislators on Tuesday about the meeting with Trump.

This is a crucial moment for the former president, weeks before hearing the ruling of Judge Juan Merchán for the controversial trial in New York City that has become the media show of the large press networks and news agencies in the United States and in the outside.

Trump’s campaign did not confirm the meeting with Republican representatives, but a campaign source said the meeting with senators will focus on economic policy issues, including tax cuts.

Trump’s return to Washington

Trump’s return to the Republican campaign offices in front of the Capitol occurs after the “umbrella trial” of Hunter Biden to hide or divert attention from the real serious accusations against the Biden family, including the President, for high corruption and national security issues.

The vast majority of Republican lawmakers have given their support to Trump in the early election against Biden, including the leader of the Senate Republicans, Mitch McConnell, and other leaders.

Almost all Republican legislators have joined Trump in denouncing the actions of the US judicial system for the cases against them and clear favoritism to the Biden family and other Democrats such as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Hussein Obama, the former head of the FBI, Robert Mueller, the former governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, who faces more than five lawsuits for alleged sexual harassment that nothing is talked about.

House Speaker Mike Johnson led a delegation of Republicans to the courthouse in New York City last month where Trump was on trial.

With the verdict, Trump is now the first former US president to be found guilty of serious charges, thanks to the unusual political and undemocratic actions of a far left that has seized Democratic power in Congress in Washington.

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