NASA astronauts show the interior of the Starliner spacecraft

NASA astronauts show the interior of the Starliner spacecraft
NASA astronauts show the interior of the Starliner spacecraft

We are used to the fact that in this society dominated by social networks and calls influencerswe are constantly bombarded by their personal information: where they work, what they eat, or how they live.

One of the most popular trends among celebrities and social media users are the so-called “House tour”, where the person presents us through a guided tour the rooms of their house, how they are organized internally or even small secrets they keep, anecdotes and other information, always up to the decision of the famous person on duty.

We always see large houses, chalets, luxury apartments in central and sought-after neighborhoods, but… Who was going to tell us that we would live the moment of seeing a “house tour” of a spaceship?

This Saturday, astronauts took a tour to show what Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft is like in which they arrived at the International Space Station. It was NASA itself who broadcast the video live where you can see its crew members showing the interior of the ship.

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