Classes suspended in 7 regions and 80 mm of water is expected today in Santiago

Classes suspended in 7 regions and 80 mm of water is expected today in Santiago
Classes suspended in 7 regions and 80 mm of water is expected today in Santiago

Frontal system: Classes suspended in 7 regions and up to 80 mm of water expected today

dSince the early hours of this Thursday, the frontal system that is already affecting the regions of Ñuble, Biobío and Araucanía, was strongly felt in Maule, O’higgins and the metropolitan region. They are 7 total the regions that suspended classes preventively, that is, from the Coquimbo region to Araucanía for today, Thursday and tomorrow, Friday. According to Junaeb, measures are being taken to ensure the continuity of the school feeding service, despite the suspension of classes. lhe rains in Santiago began at around 2 in the morning with great intensity and it is expected that leave between 70 and 80 mm of water falling with winds of up to 50 km/h. During isearly morning Senapred announced that A Yellow Alert was declared for the communes of Pinto, San Ignacio, Chillán, Chillán Viejo and Bulnes due to flooding of the Larqui River. A little earlier, an emergency had been declared for the communes of Angol, Renaico, Lumaco, Collipulli and Ercilla due to a Meteorological Event. The latest report from Senapred, this morning indicates that there are more than 1,245 people affected, almost entirely in the Biobío region, with 50 sheltered and 482 asylum seekers. There are 2,035 houses with damage as a result of the rains and floods and another 250 with damage considered major. The number of clients without electricity supply in the 8 affected regions is 53 thousand, and the majority is concentrated in the Maule and Biobío regions.

Daniel Jadue will remain in preventive detention, after an appeal from the defense

The Court of Appeals of Santiago maintained the preventive detention for the mayor of Recoleta Daniel Jadue, accused by the Public Ministry as the author of the completed crimes of unfair administration, fraud, repeated treasury fraud and a bankruptcy crime. The court also ratified the preventive detention of José Matias Muñoz Becerra, former executive secretary of the Chilean Association of Pharmacies (Achifarp), accused of being the perpetrator of the crimes of bribery committed by a public employee, unfair administration, repeated tax fraud and embezzlement of public funds. . lThe Fourth Chamber of the Court of Appeals—made up of Justices Jessica González, Lilian Leyton and Justice Tomás Gray—shared the arguments of the Third Guarantee Court regarding the need for caution and confirmed the decision that on June 3 decreed the prison prevention of the accused. Meanwhile, Jadue once again made public a message in which this time he called to “redouble efforts to defend the Recoleta project for a fairer Chile where no one is left behind. We must continue running the fence of what is possible, preventing the right from destroying everything that has been advanced,” the mayor wrote in a paper that was broadcast by the YouTube account of the Sin Maquillaje program.

Harsh response from the UDI to Carter after announcement of participation in the presidential primary

The UDI responded harshly to Mayor Rodolfo Carter after he rudely announced his intention to go to the primary against Evelyn Matthei, to, as he said, beat her. As El Mostrador published this Tuesday, in Chile Vamos they sensed it and quickly lowered his profile because the coalition did not like that Carter entered into a fight with Matthei in that way and at this political moment. The senator and president of the union party, Javier Macaya, stated that the presidential primary “is a scenario that should not be in the priorities of those of us who want to defeat the left,” while the general secretary, María José Hoffmann, criticized the initial tone from Mayor Carter. But the union helmsman went further and expressed that it does not seem to him that today, “in a scenario where there are challenges as relevant as agreeing on a single candidacy, we do something as old politics as fighting for the press or sending summons to each other. ”.

Argentine Senate gives green light to Milei’s flagship project amid protests

The Senate of Argentina approved—in general—the so-called Bases Law, the ambitious legislative project of the government of Javier Milei, which establishes the legal framework for the transformation of the economic and social model of the trans-Andean country under the mandate of the leader of the La Libertad Avanza party. . After an uninterrupted debate and while thousands of protesters in the street spoke out against of the legal body, also knoweither as ‘omnibus law’, This was approved by 37 votes in favor and 36 against, including the called “quality vote” from the president of the Upper House and vice president of the Milei government, Victoria Villarruel, who broke the tie in a second vote.

The Ministry of Security—commanded by Patricia Bullrich—deployed some 1,200 agents from four police corporations who used tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets to disperse the thousands of protesters who had gathered at the street since early in the morning. Plaza del Congreso convened by social, political and union organizations in repudiation of the economic reform project. According to police sources, at least 23 people were arrested, five of whom were brought to justice.

Human Rights organizations denounce mMore than 1,100 “political prisoners” in Cuba

The human rights organization Prisoners Defenders (PD) denounced this Thursday that the “repression” in Cuba has left 19 new cases of “political prisoners” only last mayso the total number of these rose to 1,113. “This month has been characterized by the repression against peaceful protesters, the large-scale repressive operation against independent journalists, the torture of prisoners with psychiatric conditions and the denial of prison benefits to political prisoners entitled to them,” such as probation or suspension from correctional work, according to a statement. The NGO cites the cases of several journalists, such as Yosmaury Casares Soto and Raciel Álvarez Díaz, from the media outlet Panorama Pinareño, arrested on May 9 to whom also Their work equipment was “confiscated.”

China does not rule out research into European dairy and pork to “protect its interests”

China declared this Thursday that its industries “have the right to submit an investigation request,” in response to whether the Asian country will begin investigations into imports of dairy and pork products from Europe in retaliation for the imposition of tariffs on car imports. Chinese electric companies, which imposed the European Union.

Chinese state press had advanced In recent weeks, possible reprisals to European tariffs, including ‘antidumping’ investigations against dairy or pork from Europe, especially from Spain.

The European Union announced the application of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles after the results of one research to find out to what extent the penetration of cars of the Asian giant in the community market affected European manufacturers. In the investigation, it was concluded that the electric vehicle supply chain “benefits largely from unfair subsidies in China” that “present a clearly foreseeable and imminent threat to the U.S. industry.”nion ANDEuropean“.

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