Members of the Oaxaca women’s basketball team die in a car accident

Members of the Oaxaca women’s basketball team die in a car accident
Members of the Oaxaca women’s basketball team die in a car accident

To date, the causes of the rollover are unknown. (Freepik)

The community of Santa Cruz Itundujiain the Mixtec area of ​​the state of Oaxacawas shocked after the news was announced that the truck in which she was being transported a local basketball team was in a car accident in which some of the members died.

According to official reports, the crash occurred around 1:40 p.m. this Wednesday, June 12, when they were traveling near the Santiago El Mesón agency, located in the municipality of San Andrés New Headboard.

Salomón Jara, governor of Oaxaca, stated that there are three young women who lost their lives at the scene, while one more of them (identified as Rebeca Cisneros Jiménez) had to be rushed to the nearest hospital to stabilize her. The deceased were: Alicia Zúñiga Jiménez, Azucena Aparicio and Jazmín Hernández Becerrilthe latter recently came to the team as a reinforcement for the team.

Three girls died at the scene, while one more is injured, although it has not yet been ruled out that there are more victims. (TW Primera Línea MX)

According to local media, the black Sentra truck in which they were traveling ended up completely overturned in a ravine, a blow that ended the lives of the three members of the team. Emergency teams from the community of San Andrés Cabecera Nueva arrived immediately, but upon noticing the seriousness of what happened they called the State Investigation Agency (AEI) to help them with the processes.

It was the agents who had the instructions to protect and transport the girls’ bodies directly to the municipal palace of Santa Cruz Itundujiaone hour away from the place where the tragedy occurred, with the aim of performing the corresponding autopsy.

After the accident was reported, the municipal police confirmed that the entire team was heading to the town of San Antonio Atoyaquilloan hour and a half from his place of origin, where he would play a tournament that was organized to celebrate the area’s patron saint festivities.

The transport unit was completely overturned in a ravine in the area. (First Line MX)

From his official social networks, the president Solomon Jara He expressed his condolences to the family members and to all the people they would represent and promised that they will have his full support to resolve any problem that arises.

“Given the unfortunate accident suffered by the Santa Cruz Itundujia women’s basketball team, in the vicinity of El Mesón, San Andrés Cabecera Nueva, I want to express my condolences to the families of the three young women who lost their lives., one more is receiving medical attention. I have issued instructions to our government agencies to provide the necessary support and accompaniment. “We are with you in this difficult moment,” she said.

The State Government has already offered help to the families affected by this car accident. (TW Solomon Jara)

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