This is the true reality behind Joe Biden’s ‘mistakes’

This is the true reality behind Joe Biden’s ‘mistakes’
This is the true reality behind Joe Biden’s ‘mistakes’

Social networks have witnessed a new wave of misinformation after circulating images taken out of context that suggested that Joe Biden was disoriented during the recent G-7 summit in Italy. However, the truth behind these accusations is different.

Critics, mainly Republican opponents, try sell the idea that Biden was talking to an invisible friend or who showed signs of dementia. But the original video reveals a different story: the president was not disoriented, but was instead greeting a parachutist who had just landed behind the leaders.

This is not an isolated incident. Just a week ago, during the D-Day ceremony in Normandy, a video emerged purportedly showing Biden trying to sit in a non-existent chair, fueling speculation about his mental state. But what is behind that recording? The reality is that the video was edited to omit that there were chairs, both for Biden and other authorities present.

Another incident occurred during the same ceremony, when a clip was released that appeared to show Biden rushing away without greeting veterans, hinting at a possible lack of respect or disorientation. However, again, the video was cropped and omitted the moment when Biden did greet the veterans.

The manipulations don’t stop there. During his visit to Israel, he was again accused of being disoriented for asking about location protocol. However, it was a standard query that any authority makes, and the person in charge of the protocol indicated it to her, as she does to everyone.

There have even been montages created suggesting that Biden falls asleep at events, such as one about wildfires in Hawaii, where he is shown looking down while others talk. However, they are crude editions that distort reality.

These manipulations, which seek to discredit Biden, are mainly promoted by official accounts linked to the Trump campaign. It is evident that the person who uses these tactics the most is Donald Trump.

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