Vampires in Havana? They will distribute gas with the smell of garlic in the Cuban capital

Vampires in Havana? They will distribute gas with the smell of garlic in the Cuban capital
Vampires in Havana? They will distribute gas with the smell of garlic in the Cuban capital

Both mosquitoes and surreal scenes abound in Havana, and in 1985 the late cartoonist Juan Padrón decided to imagine the life of vampires under the scorching sun, music and self-confidence of the Cuban capital.

Now, as if the mythical hunter Van Helsing had recommended it in the face of a vampire threat, Havana houses will emanate a smell of garlic every time the residents light the stove, although not precisely to scare away the blood-sucking creatures as legends say.

Nor for people to delight in their memories of the aroma of garlic, perhaps already forgotten in many homes due to the prolonged absence of the condiment. Rather, it is a “new product” of the Cuban State, which the population will simply be forced to tolerate until they adapt and assume it as part of their daily routine.

Gas with “garlic smell”

The Manufactured Gas Company informed the population that it would begin to use a new product as a dorizer for the perception and detection of fuel leaks.

Its “most notable” difference would be “an unusual smell, similar to that of garlic,” explains the note from the state entity replicated by official media outlets such as Cubadebate.

The product with the peculiar aroma came as a replacement due to “the unavailability of the employee to date.” Its use will begin “in the Playa – Marianao network this June 19 and the smell will gradually be felt as it is incorporated into the network; Later it will be extended to the entire Havana network, maintaining the monitoring and sampling necessary for control.”

“The new product acquired was studied and analyzed by specialists who ensure its quality, also supported by its wide use as an Odorizer in Europe and China. It does not pose any danger to health and constitutes a safety measure to detect leaks and consequently avoid accidents,” states the entity, which also apologizes for any inconvenience that the change may cause.

Gas without food or electricity

In addition, Cuba is experiencing a severe shortage of food and electricity that keeps families with constant worries. In April, a mother expressed regret in statements to the AFP agency about her situation due to the crisis.

“The first thing I say when I get out of bed is what I’m going to give my son for food and when I go to bed, what can I give him for a snack, for his breakfast,” the young Cuban mother, 31 years old and four, told AFP. months pregnant, resident in Nuevo Vedado, a central neighborhood of Havana.

Many compare the current crisis with the one experienced by Cubans in the 1990s, which the late Fidel Castro called the “Special Period.”

“I think they are very similar crises. Nor can I say that it is worse because I believe that the economy is now more diversified: there are more options that were not open in the special period, when there were no remittances, there was no tourism and the economy was completely nationalized,” the Cuban economist clarified in March. Pavel Vidal, professor at the Javeriana University of Cali, interviewed by BBC.

“Pensioners and State employees who depend on a fixed income in Cuban pesos that has not been adjusted for inflation… there are no official data, but I believe that the poverty figures there are alarming,” noted the expert in his statements to the BBC.

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