These are the 10 best movie classics about parents, according to Futuro — Futuro Chile

After wishing your parent a very Happy Father’s Day, comes the most difficult challenge: planning a fun activity to celebrate the occasion.

Should you invite your dad to an outdoor picnic? Or maybe a beer tasting? The options are practically endless. And if you’re looking for a simple bonding activity that doesn’t require expert-level planning, then consider watching a great dad-themed movie together.

And on rock radio, we rescue the 10 best film classics about fathers to celebrate Father’s Day.

big fish

A fantasy drama directed by Tim Burton, “Big Fish” centers on a man’s attempts to reconnect with his dying father by remembering his larger-than-life stories. Billy Crudup plays Will Bloom and Albert Finney plays his father, Edward. Ewan McGregor plays a young Edward in the film’s many fantasy flashback sequences.

The Godfather

An award-winning and critically acclaimed masterpiece, “The Godfather” has a reputation that precedes it. Marlon Brando plays Don Corleone, the patriarch of his family. Based on Mario Puzo’s novel of the same name, “The Godfather” focuses on the lives of the Corleone family and the dark crimes they engage in behind the scenes.

The Royal Tenenbaums

Directed by Wes Anderson and co-written by Owen Wilson, “The Royal Tenenbaums” stars Gene Hackman as Royal Tenenbaum, the father of three formerly brilliant children who now live mediocre lives. He reunites them, decades older, in an attempt to reconnect before he dies.


“Interstellar” stars Matthew McConaughey as a father and former NASA pilot who lives in a dystopian future where humans must look to space to survive. He is forced to choose between spending his life helping all of humanity or remaining on earth and living out his days with his young children. This science fiction epic is perfect for dads who love space and all its unknowns.

Kramer vs. Kramer

One of the first Hollywood films to take a serious look at child custody issues, the film stacks the deck in favor of Dustin Hoffman’s harried single father, painting runaway mother Meryl Streep as something of a feminist caricature. The father-son relationship, however, remains deeply moving, with excellent work from Justin Henry, still the youngest actor nominated for an Oscar (8 years old).

Field of Dreams

Directed by Phil Alden Robinson, “Field of Dreams” is a sports drama based on the 1982 book “Shoeless Joe.” Kevin Costner plays Ray Kinsella, an Iowa farmer tormented by his broken relationship with his late father. When he receives an inspiring vision from an unknown voice, he builds a baseball diamond on his farm. Before long, the ghosts of famous baseball players visit his field ready to play.

Boyz N the Hood

When Tre Styles (Cuba Gooding Jr.) is sent to live with his father, Furious Styles (Laurence Fishburne) in South Central Los Angeles, he reunites with his childhood friends and becomes immersed in organized crime. “Boyz N the Hood” follows Tre’s rocky adolescence influenced by local gangs as his father tries to steer him away from a life of violence. The film is written and directed by John Singleton.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

The third installment of the Indiana Jones franchise follows Indy on an adventure to save his kidnapped father (Sean Connery) and find the legendary Holy Grail. It’s one of the most light-hearted and comedic entries in the series, full of the typical Indiana Jones action that many parents love.

Father of the Bride

A remake of a 1950s comedy, “Father of the Bride” stars Steve Martin as George Banks, a successful businessman who is shocked when his 22-year-old daughter (Kimberly Williams) announces her engagement to a man he has known for three months. It’s a timeless movie that all parents who have a hard time letting go can relate to.

To Kill a Mockingbird

Based on the award-winning novel by Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird paints a picture of prejudice and racial discrimination in 1930s Alabama. Gregory Peck plays Atticus Finch, a defense attorney with two children who steps in to represent a black man accused of rape. The story is told through the eyes of his young daughter, Scout (Mary Badham), as she watches him fight for what is right.

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