There are still 31 people missing after Hurricane Otis

There are still 31 people missing after Hurricane Otis
There are still 31 people missing after Hurricane Otis

MEXICO CITY (apro).- Eight months after the passage of Hurricane Otis that devastated Acapulco and Coyuca de Benítez, in Guerrero, 31 people remain missing, reported the Secretary of the Navy, Rafael Ojeda.

During the report on progress in recovery of the region affected by the natural phenomenon, the admiral stated that in the last month no body was recovered.

From November 28 of last year to June 11 of this year, 30 meetings have been held to inform the actions they are taking for the search, the last five were this month and it was highlighted that they have had 88 searches with the accompaniment of the people’s relatives. missing.

Of these searches, 59 have been sea, 19 by land and 10 by air, with 12,826 dives by Semar divers, of which 150 were in the last month.

The governor of Guerrero, Evelyn Salgado, reported that there are 206 hotels with services, of which four were added in the last month, which represents 74% of the hotels.

97.3% of the economic units have also been reactivated, which means 36,545,000 from all sectors, in addition to the tourism and hotel infrastructure sector, there is commerce, manufacturing, health services, as well as financial, as well as educational, services.

The report also announced that the damage to the electrical infrastructure amounted to 4,201 million pesos.

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