Laura Bozzo For giving Harold Litzy a black apron no longer exists

Laura Bozzo For giving Harold Litzy a black apron no longer exists
Laura Bozzo For giving Harold Litzy a black apron no longer exists

Everyone knows that Laura Bozzo is synonymous with controversy, and after his departure from MasterChef Celebrity 2024his statements in the podcast What ONE Finds Out They were very strong and direct, because he gave his opinion about each of his former teammates.

Let us remember that during the last MasterChef program on Sunday, June 16, Laura decided to leave the competition, since she suffered a burn on her hand and that no longer allowed her to cook, in addition to ensuring that the atmosphere with the other celebrities no longer allowed her to cook. made me feel very comfortable.

One of the most surprising moments of the program was when Bozzo didn’t want to say goodbye to anyone, including Litzywho was very sad because she assures that she was always kind and a good companion with the Peruvian driver.

During her interview on said podcast, Laura explained that she felt very bad when Litzy sent Harold to the elimination challengeso from that moment on it no longer existed for her: “I understand that your good face serves you a lot in life, I did consider you my friend, but when I saw you with the Hielitos and when you dared to send the black apron to Haroldo, dead there for me, that doesn’t make me my queen.”

Furthermore, Laura Bozzo made it very clear that she does not want to have contact with any of the celebrities with whom she shared the most famous cuisine in Mexico, except for harold and Grupero Kingwhom he assures he will miss very much.

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