Habbo Hotel returns 19 years later with its own “remake” version from 2005, but this time “with a community-led approach”

Habbo Hotel come back with Originsa version of the iconic MMO such as it was in the beginningbut this time with a community-led approach, according to its developers. Habbo Hotel Origins arrives todaymarking the monumental return of one of the best retro games of all time.

Anyone who has grown over the years 90 or 2000 you probably remember Habbo Hotelan MMO that offered several “rooms” where players could socialize, customize guest rooms, and organize Minigames. It was the pinnacle of computer-simulated social environments, rivaled only by similar chat room-type games like Gaia Online and the least mature Club Penguin.

The Original Habbo Hotel experience was lost over timeunfortunately, marred by changes and controversiesincluding the controversial foray into the world of NFTs some years ago. However, this hasn’t stopped gamers of yesteryear from missing the classic Habbo Hotel they got involved with in their teens, and it looks like The developers are aware of this collective nostalgia.

Sulakethe team behind the beloved MMO, claims that are taking the virtual world back to 2005 with Habbo Hotel Origins. Origins serves as a revamped version of the game as it was ago 19 yearsbut this time “with a fresh, community-led approach.”

An article revealing this relaunch explains that the “simplicity, charm and magic of that early version of Habbo” These are things that developers now want “conserve and protect”. On this occasion, Sulake assures that “they will be careful about what they add and when they add it.”

“The Habbo team is beyond excited to see everyone get into the game and experience 2005 once again,” says Sulake.

Definitely, Habbo Hotel Origins not only represents a return to the roots of the game, but also a celebration of the community that made it so specialand to be able to play, you just have to go to the official Habbo website and Register if necessary.

League of Legends community is aging because the game is too difficult for new players, says Riot Games

Riot Games recently discussed the aging community of League of Legends and the associated challenges during a question and answer session in the past Summer Game Fest.

According to Pu Liugame director, and Andrei van Roon, director of League Studio, one of the main problems facing the community is the fact that players are aging, which brings with it various complications for the game in the long term.

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