RBD: everything that is known about the alleged fraud on the tour and disintegration of the band

RBD: everything that is known about the alleged fraud on the tour and disintegration of the band
RBD: everything that is known about the alleged fraud on the tour and disintegration of the band

The tour that RBD performed in 2023 It was crazy since they visited many countries such as the United States, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil where they sold out in a matter of minutes. However, this year the complaints of these members about fraud and theft of money by his former manager Guillermo Rosas. What happened? Here we tell you.

Was there fraud after the RBD tour?

At the end of last year, there was an open secret about internal problems within the Mexican group which led to the dismissal of Guillermo Rosas who was responsible for the RBD meeting.

According to Mexican media, the relationship broke down after there was an embezzlement of more than 250 thousand dollars that Rosas did not report. The first to complain was Christopher Uckermann who noticed it. On December 26, 2023, they reported that the dismissal de Rosas had been for minimizing the work of Dulce María and the other singers to shock Anahí, whom he represented when she was a soloist.

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Christian Chávez lost his YouTube channel

This year, on March 31, the singer reported that his channel had been removed from YouTube and pointed to Guillermo Rosas as the person responsible because he was the only one who had access to the account. After that, Rosas and the agency The Sixth -founded by him- shared a statement explaining what happened:

“Christian Chávez’s YouTube channel was hacked, along with the improper and malicious use of the identity of people from T6H, we ask you to continue reporting it. T6H has nothing to do with what is happening with the channel. “We are taking all measures with YouTube to support his recovery,” he wrote at the time.

Anahí did not attend the baptism of Maite Perroni’s daughter

Things were already broken between the members of RBD. One of the clearest points was the absence of Anahí at the baptism of Lía, daughter of Maite Perroni. Around that time was the birthday of Guillermo Rosas and the singer dedicated a message to him for which he received criticism.

On May 14, amid rumors of enmity with the band, the popular ‘Mía Colucci’ had her birthday and did not receive any messages from her group mates on social networks.

Audit for alleged fraud against RBD

Maite Perroni’s husband, Andrés Tovar, confirmed in a show program Windowing that the audit was ongoing and could take months. This situation was also reported by Dulce María who, in conversation with Wake up Americaassured that “irregularities have already emerged from the first (hearing), it is not gossip, but we cannot say more, it is not my responsibility to give that information.”

Days later, Manuel Velasco, husband of Anahimade it clear that the singer has no working relationship with Guillermo Rosas since the tour of the United States concluded, in addition to having a beautiful friendship with her for 20 years.

Guillermo Rosas (between Anahí and Dulce María) was former manager of RBD and responsible for their reunion 15 years later.

Guillermo Rosas (between Anahí and Dulce María) was former manager of RBD and responsible for their reunion 15 years later.Source: @guillermorosas

Former RBD manager denied fraud

Through a statement, Guillermo Rosas He sent a statement stating that he had no responsibility for the embezzlement. On the contrary, he pointed to the company of the members of RBD Souls Productions Inc., which managed the income and funds of the tour since the concert began.

“Specifically, we hereby clarify that in no way and at no time did neither T6H Entertainment, nor Guillermo Rosas, nor any employee of the company divert any type of money from ‘Soy Rebelde Tour’. Nor did he participate in any type of embezzlement of any kind, as some media outlets have suggested.”

The letter explained that “a first audit (‘forensic investigation’) has already been carried out by the Citrin Cooperman accounting firm in New York, which demonstrates that there is no fraud or misuse of the funds in charge of T6H.”

RBD’s hints

After being consulted about the fraud, Christian Chavez He did not want to give more details and only assured that the lawyers are taking care of it. “Legal problems or what is being worked on legally is not something that has to be litigated in the media.”

At this time, the members of RBD They stayed away from Anahí because of her friendship with Guillermo Rosas. Maite Perroni confirmed that the band’s projects were put on hold due to this legal investigation. Here Anahí responded to the speculations on her account. x: “Not only is it gossip, IT IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE. Unclear answer. Sadly, she is losing her memory.”

Likewise, Perroni defended his teammates and asked for respect for this very complicated moment: “It is not fair for us, for our history, what we are experiencing, to enter into a major controversy right now, so I ask for all the respect for all of us, since we are in a process in which we want to do things well,” he added.

Anahí denies being involved in RBD fraud

On June 14, Anahi spoke with the program First hand where he indicated that, together with his RBD colleagues, he is seeking to clarify this whole matter since he does not want to “break up a family.”

“We can speculate or think about other things, but of course I also want the same thing, to be together on stage again, I think you saw it (…) I have nothing to hide,” he expressed. “I, personally, also want to share with you that I am in talks with a very prestigious international firm, because I also want to do a more external audit. I also want clarity. “We all want the same thing.” Likewise, he made it clear that he is not defending anyone, in relation to Guillermo Rosas:

“I am not defending anyone, I want to say it very clearly, but I am not accusing anyone either because we do not yet have the results of the audits. An audit was carried out where although there were irregularities, another one is being carried out.” Will it be the final end for RBD?

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