Five rituals to do next to the bonfires on the night of San Juan 2024

Five rituals to do next to the bonfires on the night of San Juan 2024
Five rituals to do next to the bonfires on the night of San Juan 2024

The San Juans night rises as the great protagonist of saints of the month of june, especially on your big night. Several Spanish cities celebrate this day with special devotion, with a mysticism somewhere between purely religious and pagan heritage of some of our lands.

Without a doubt this is a magical night if it manages to bring together those who during the year debate between faith in God or pagan witchcraft. In a few years in which prayers to God are replaced among the youngest by “projections” to the universe and spells of witches and seers, it is most likely that the rituals that take place around the bonfires of San Juan will generate a trend and arouse special interest in 2024.

The origin of the bonfires of San Juan

The San Juan’s bonfires They emerged in time immemorial, but depending on who you ask, they will tell you a different story about their origin. Although the Spanish saints attribute June 24 to Saint John the Baptist, tradition dictates that it is the night of the 23rd that people celebrate.

For those who pay tribute to Saint John Baptist Because of their Christian faith, the bonfires find their origin in the Biblewhere it is indicated that the saint’s father ordered the fire to be lit to announce the birth of his son.

Pagan theory points towards purification by the sun. It was believed that bonfires gave strength to the sun just at the time of year when it is most visible: the summer solstice lengthens the hours of daylight from the solstice with which we say goodbye to spring.

The rituals of the night of San Juan

But then, Why do they skip the San Juan bonfires? Many Spaniards, especially those who live in coastal areas, usually gather with their loved ones around bonfires and jump over the fire as a ritual.

There are those who do it out of habit, there are those who really hope to obtain a result from their act, but not everyone is clear about the results. different rituals that can be performed to attract personal wishes, love or luck on this magical night.

1. Jump the bonfire

The ritual par excellence, the one that many know but several disagree on the number of times to go over the fire. In Alicanteone of the regions that celebrates this festival the most, tradition dictates that there must be seven the times you jump over the bonfire if you want to be lucky in the following year. For the Galiciansthey must be nine jumps to have a summer full of fortune.

It is not necessary to perform the jump when the flame is brightest or in a large bonfire; recommendations are to do it with small bonfires or when the fire is decreasing. Rituals yes, but with head and respect for the environment always.

2. Bathing in the sea at midnight

Water also plays a very important role during this night, which is why its celebration gains followers especially in coastal areas. Many inland citizens travel to the nearest beach to be able to perform the second most established ritual on this night.

In a few hours where the purification processes, sea water adds to this function. At 00:00 hours many take the opportunity to take a dip in the seataking advantage of the healing effect of natural water to guarantee good health the rest of the year.

3. Jump the ocean waves

To add effectiveness to the bathing ritual, many attribute powers to the way in which one enters the sea from the shore. On the Mediterranean coast it is believed that if you jump seven waves you will attract good luck, in Galicia they leave it at nine.

Many emphasize the importance of having a firm desire in mind; the effectiveness of the ritual may depend on the concentration you put on that thought.

In addition, there are those who add an extra to this ritual that connects directly with the sea: if enter with your back to the waves looking straight at the moon Negative energies will be eliminated and the fertility of those who do it can increase.

4. Wash your face with rested water

Although this is a day-to-day act, on the morning of Saint John (June 24) becomes ritual if done properly. For some it is important use sea waterothers create infusions with wild plants or collect water from the river, but everyone seems to agree that the key is that the water sits overnight so that it receives the influence of the moon and the energy load with which he enjoys this day.

The Andalusians change the time and do this washing at midnight instead of waiting for dawn. For them this ritual guarantees health and beauty during the year.

As a bonus to this ritual, it is important that while washing on the morning of San Juan, Under no circumstances should you look at a mirror..

5. Sleep with three potatoes

If during the night you perform your own rituals and in the morning you take the opportunity to wash your face as indicated, while you sleep on the night of San Juan you can also continue attracting positive energies. The ritual involves the use of tbeef potatoes in different states: one must go peeledother marked and a third completely whole. All three should be kept under the pillow so that, the next morning, choose one without looking.

The future that comes to light depends on fortune: if the chosen potato is the one without skin, bad luck is expected; The whole one brings good luck and the marked one a mix of a little bit of everything.

The seven herbs of Saint John, more than a ritual in Galicia

As bonus track Added to this list of rituals is the bouquet that many Galicians prepare on this night. In the land of meigas and witches, pagan and ancestral rituals transcend the anecdotal. In Galicia, many people take advantage of the night of San Juan to collect wild herbs from which they can obtain multiple benefits.

Grandmothers and granddaughters collect different medicinal plants and aromatic flowers – generally seven types – to leave them infusing in water from seven different sources while it absorbs the night dew. Beyond the fantastic nature, the truth is that these plants usually provide proven benefits and the aroma they give off produces a pleasant feeling of well-being. For those who pronounce that “meigas and bruxas: habelas, hailas”, They think that this potion keeps all evil spirits at bay.

As in any recipe, each teacher has his or her own booklet and the combination of plants depends a lot on each region. Although the minimum is seven, since Galician Garden They provide a list of 14 plants to make this bouquet or chub of the seven herbs of St. John:

  • Grass of San Juan or hypericum. Abeluria. Hypericum perforatum.
  • St. John’s Flower. False arnica. Helichryssum foetidum.
  • Rosemary. Romeu. Rosmarinus officinalis.
  • Fern male. Male Fento. Dryopteris filix-mas.
  • Fennel. Fiuncho. Foeniculum vulgare.
  • Mallow. Malva sylvestris.
  • lemon verbena. Herba Luisa. Aloysia citriodora.
  • Pink. Wild rose bush. Canine rose.
  • Codeso. Adenocarpus complicatus.
  • Elder. Sabugueiro, bieiteiro. Sambucus nigra.
  • Walnut. Nogueira. Juglans regia.
  • Foxglove. Estraloque, foxglove. Digitalis purpurea.
  • Laurel. Loureiro. Laurus nobilis.
  • Torvisco. Daphne gnidium.

With or without rituals, the night of San Juan can be magical just by letting yourself go and enjoying a night outdoors respecting the natural state of the space in which the bonfire is formed.

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