Ernestina Godoy: Sheinbaum’s lawyer | Opinion

Ernestina Godoy: Sheinbaum’s lawyer | Opinion
Ernestina Godoy: Sheinbaum’s lawyer | Opinion

The presentation of the first six members of his cabinet at MIDE has been seen—and received—as evidence and confirmation. In charge of continuity are Ernestina Godoy, Marcelo Ebrard and Alicia Bárcena. On the mountain of change are Juan Ramón de la Fuente, Rosaura Ruiz and Julio Berdegué. The first harvest of the Dialogues for Transformation. A tie.

Ernestina Godoy Ramos: Legal Counsel.

A lawyer from the UNAM, appointed Attorney General of Justice of Mexico City in 2018, she led the entity’s newly created (and autonomous) Attorney General’s Office between 2020 and 2024. Throughout the period, she accompanied the former head of Government in that mission. Several questions will remain about the independence of the Prosecutor’s Offices. Isn’t the transition from an oversight role to one of direct advice strange to us? One more blow to the fetish of autonomy.

Godoy is continuity, unity and boomerang.

Godoy is continuity. Among the appointments revealed today, that of the former prosecutor stands out for her closeness to Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The most workmanlike element of the sextet. In the distant year 2000, when Macuspano governed Mexico City, she served as General Director of Legal and Legislative Studies in the Legal Department of the Federal District. In addition, she is one of the architects of the cherry party.

Godoy is unity. With Marcelo Ebrard and Ernestina Godoy, Sheinbaum reaffirms that conciliatory expression uttered when Morena won the intern: there is no one left over here. Despite that coup attempt by Ebrard and Godoy’s unconditional support for her 30-year-old friend, Clara Brugada, against Omar García Harfuch (Sheinbaum’s candidate for the head of the City Government), the president-elect has opted for unity . There have been no reprisals.

When introducing her today, the virtual president described her as “the best prosecutor there has ever been in our country, not only as a state prosecutor, not only in support of women, against corruption and, also, thanks to her, the rates of decrease in impunity in our Mexico City.” A wink? It seems likely that Godoy will be the successor of the Attorney General of the Republic, whose term ends in a very long three and a half years.

Godoy is a boomerang. At the end of last year, the current Councilor followed another path. She sought to be ratified as a capital prosecutor for another four years. However, the capital’s opposition blocked the event in retaliation for the investigation against the famous real estate cartel. There were months of arduous negotiations. She was released, without charge. Mistake. The then prosecutor – today a legal advisor waiting to take over as the next attorney general of the Republic – was reborn stronger. From the pilón: Morena retains the City and its attorney general, Ulises Lara.

For the opposition it is already customary to backfire.

That Sheinbaum appointed Godoy was expected. Only one other name was on the list: Arturo Zaldívar. However, in addition to being constitutionally prevented from assuming office after leaving his position as minister of the Supreme Court, his path seems to be another: the implementation of the convoluted judicial reform. A monumental challenge, perhaps the most significant of the six-year term.

Godoy’s role will be crucial, perhaps more so in this administration than any other. Amid the uncertainty about the paths that the next judicial reforms will take, one thing is certain: the modifications will take time to be implemented. Therefore, for at least the first part of Claudia’s six-year term, as long as the federal judiciary remains as we know it—intact, fussy, and vindictive—the numerous reforms outlined by the Obradorism will require surgical precision. Something in which, without breaking the truth, the original six-year term failed. Mismanagement and somewhat deficient legal strategies contributed to the judicial failures of López Obrador’s reform projects.

Godoy will be the third woman to serve as Legal Advisor to the Presidency. Her appointment paves the way to the Senate for her substitute, Karen Castrejón, president of the Green Party. Where they did not get presidential support for SEMARNAT (where Manuel Velasco was projected), the Greens found a consolation prize.

In areas where the incompetence of Estela Ríos predominated, efficiency is promised. Where the accused corruption of Julio Scherer prevailed, honesty and closeness are predicted. But let’s not rush, Andrés Manuel López Obrador is still president and his legislative agenda is not short. The 70 days left until Claudia Sheinbaum’s inauguration will be long and rainy. Godoy waits on the bench.

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