The Golden Scorpion presents its new program on Tv Azteca

The Golden Scorpion presents its new program on Tv Azteca
The Golden Scorpion presents its new program on Tv Azteca

Alex Montiel and El Escorpión Dorado are among the most important characters on the internet, since being pioneers of digital content together with the Werevertumorro Crew, they have known how to evolve their way of creating content, as well as knowing how to use the platforms they are currently on.

Now after dominating and being the legitimate god of the Internet, the Golden Scorpion presents his new bid to continue being an eminence on television, “El Círculo del 1%”, a program that you could already see last Sunday, June 9 on Azteca One, but one that without a doubt you cannot miss on these weekends.

Alex Montiel and the Golden Scorpion have known how to transition from social networks and online platforms to new formats of Mexican television, since although they have covered topics such as cinema, comedy and interviews, it seems that nothing stops them from continuing to be successful And in an interview for El Heraldo de México we had the opportunity to speak with the god of the internet and learn a little more about this new project.

Since we were able to see the show, what were your feelings with this first program?

Yes, notice that, unlike what sometimes happens, we record the entire season and then it is a question of TV Azteca’s programming, how they arrange the programs, because the one you saw, let’s say, was not the first one we recorded.

We recorded 52 programs for the entire season and the number of variants of results is quite funny, so practically no program is the same as the other in terms of which participant wins, well only one person won, there are times they won more, there are times when I didn’t win any.

So these two programs that you saw do not correspond to the chronological order in which we recorded them, but, well, they all have the same energy because, as I told you, each program is different and there are also 100 people who come to give their all. each program, with totally different questions, each edition.

Yes, it is a program that comes from the BBC in London, it is a concept that has been done in several countries in Europe and this is the first time it has been done in Latin America. As you know, I have my platforms, my YouTube channels and I upload my content and I decide what to do.

And then, every time I am invited to collaborate in a medium, which is not the usual one for me, and even on YouTube itself, when someone invites me to collaborate, I have the enormous privilege of being able to decide who I do it with. So I can receive several invitations and when I see that this is a new program, that has never been done in Mexico, that it is a new show, that they want dessert from a totally new host, that people have not seen in this “gameshow” format “, so I said, “Sure, let’s go ahead and do it!”

Furthermore, it is a very fun program, in which you can interact with people, I can use that mental ability to force people to improvise, to answer, precisely these questions that have nothing to do with knowledge but with the way in which that you think in the way in which you reason, in which you go through life and the result is what reflects what I am telling you, because the same thing earned a businessman, a student, a merchant, a Madam, what a kid and that part is very funny.

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