Carlos Loret de Mola describes the alleged UIF investigation into him and Víctor Trujillo as ‘baseness’ and ‘cowardice’

Journalist Carlos Loret de Mola described it as “baseness” and “cowardice” the alleged investigation by the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) into his finances and those of his partner in LatinusVictor Trujillo “Brozo”.

This, after the journalist Peniley Ramírez published in Reform a column in which he assured that there is an investigation into Loret and Trujillo and that had access to trades directed to financial entities, in which the FIU supposedly requests information about both of them.

“It is no longer just persecution and harassment against journalists. This is baseness, cowardice. Whats Next? “How far does the regime want to go to try to silence us?” Loret said in a message on his X social network account.

He accused that “instead of investigating its own corruption scandals, the government is once again using state institutions to take revenge on the journalists who documented that corruption.”

The journalist pointed out that the government seeks to end Latinus. He wants to finish us off. In any country that respects freedoms this would be inadmissible, unthinkable, scandalous,” he noted.

According to the report by Peniley Ramírez, a source from the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) He had already warned Trujillo a few months ago about the investigation launched into his finances.

The comedian, who has been critical of the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured the journalist – according to what was published – that he had already been audited during the government of the PAN member Vicente Fox and that his accounts were frozen for a year, so He was prepared for any investigation against him.

“That they search me, it doesn’t bother me. Previous governments also did the same, and for the same reasons. Those from before were uncomfortable, just like those today,” Trujillo said, Peniley narrates.

According to Ramírez, the investigation was opened after Loret de Mola presented in his space a series of reports titled “El Clan”, in which he broadcast recordings of alleged conversations of businessman Jorge Amílcar Olán Aparicio, friend of José Ramón, Andrés and Gonzalo López Beltran -sons of the president-, about obtaining “million-dollar contracts with the medicine factory, the Mayan Train and other businesses, with newly created companies.”

The reporter points out in her column “Linotipia” that had access to letters sent on February 8 to “all brokerage houses, exchange houses, banks and financial companies,” where information was presumably requested about Loret, his wife, Berenice Yaber, and Trujillo, who were indicated as “investigated.”

Photo: Cuartoscuro Archive

“The banks had to respond if they had bank accounts and the balances, deliver copies of any credit or loan agreement, of their monthly account statements, of the documents they submitted to open the accounts, of international transfers from the accounts, if any. Also, they had to report if they have associated bank accounts, even abroad; if they bought dollars or other foreign currencies,” the journalist points out.

He points out that two other letters were sent on June 5, in relation to the companies Latinus Media Radio and Latinus Media MX Hub, whose partner with 99% of the shares is the businessman Christian González Guadarrama, also a partner of Latinus.

Peniley Ramírez points out that Loret de Mola said that he had no knowledge of the alleged investigation and about it he said that “Deep down, it is López Obrador.”

“While the clan of AMLO’s children operates at ease, those of us who expose their corruption and influence peddling have a file from the UIF […] Every time we reveal a big scandal, revenge is immediate and often public. The President does not exercise his right of reply because he does not deny anything in the reports. “He exercises a kind of right of slander, right of revenge,” Loret said, according to the column.

Until now, the FIU has not commented about whether he investigates Loret de Mola and Trujillo.

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