The Canary Islands celebrate the Night of San Juan

On all the islands they are preparing to celebrate the summer solstice tonight with the traditional bonfires of San Juan

Everything is now ready to celebrate another year as expected. San Juans night. Canarian Television will also be present on all the islands, as the Una Hora Menos program directed by Victorio Pérez will connect with each of the islands. their teams to know how the night goes.

Inform. RTVC Information Services Editorial.

Events on the islands

Inform. RTVC Information Services Editorial.

From the first hour we work without rest in preparation on the night of San Juan. In the Alfredo Krauss auditorium in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria starting at eight in the afternoon, the city will honor 15 personalities and institutions.

Starting at ten at night, the different concerts which will be interrupted, yes, by the traditional fireworks. Activities that will entail the closure of traffic in the area starting at seven in the afternoon, more or less, which is why the council encourages the use of public transport to avoid problems and crowds.

Inform. RTVC Information Services Editorial.

It is worth remembering before the night of San Juan that in the median area it is totally prohibited to make fires by forest fire risk. However, the coastal area will be subject to the measures of each municipality.

In the case of the municipality of Candelariahave enabled the beaches in the area of Punta Larga and Caletillas for the realization of the bonfires.

Inform. RTVC Information Services Editorial.

tradition night

He firethe music and the tradition will be protagonists tonight San Juan. In practically all points of the archipelago everything is ready to celebrate Summer Solstice with different events marked by music, gastronomy and, of course, the traditional bonfires.

Nails bonfires that this year they will be specially controlled due to the risk of fire that exists in various parts of the archipelago due to the drought of the last few months.

Gran Canaria firefighters share recommendations for the night of San Juan

Through an informative brochure, the Gran Canaria Emergency Consortium has recommended a series of issues to avoid possible risks with the San Juan bonfires, including avoiding the use of dangerous or light materials or informing the authorities of where the fires will be installed.

In this way, the Consortium This Saturday, he asked the population to take extreme precautions on Christmas night. San Juan so that not greater evils must be regretted and they can continue to be “the magic they are.”

Special device in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The Citizen Security and Emergencies service of the City Council of Santa Cruz of Tenerife you have already designed and activated a preventive devicein matters of security and emergenciesbefore the celebration, tomorrow, of the San Juan’s bonfires throughout the capital’s municipal territory.

During the last days the preventive work have consisted of the localization, review and even geolocation of the points where significant quantities of materials were accumulated to burn that day or where bonfires were already being set up.

The Wako K-1 world champion will light the Telde bonfire

The recently proclaimed world champion of Wako K-1 in the José Vélez de Telde auditorium, Aixay “El Puma” Hernándezwill be in charge of doing the honors on the night of St. John’s Eve, setting fire to the great bonfire from the city. The event will be at 10:00 p.m. this Sunday June 23, next to Seven Eyes Bridge.

The Wako K-1 world champion, Aixay Hernández, with the mayor of Telde, Juan Antonio Peña / TELDE CITY COUNCIL

Canarian Television, present on the night of San Juan

Canarian Television will be present at the San Juans night with a special Una Hora Menos program that will be offered live on the night of San Juan from the Cantera Beachs, within the acts of the Founding Festivities of Las Palmas.

Part of Telenews 2 This Sunday will also be broadcast from the Alfredo Kraus Auditorium, closely following the celebrations of the longest night of the year.

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