Carolina Soto remembered the separation she had with her daughter

This Saturday, the former singer of “Red Fama Contrafama”, Carolina Sotowas one of the guests at “La Divina Comida”, along with Marcelo Arismendithe senator Paulina Vodanovic, Leo Mendez and the vet Ignacio Idalsoaga.

In the Chilevisión program, The artist spoke about the relationship she maintains with her daughter Francisca and the hard memory that keeps when both were separated.

“I had her when I was 24. I got married very young the first time, at 22. Obviously, I am not with that person because I should not be with that person, but if I had not met him I would not be with my daughter,” he began by saying.

“So it was like that person had to come and give me something to be with Francisca today,” added the singer.

“She is a girl with very beautiful feelings and values, that his dad and I have done that. “It’s a mutual job,” were Carolina’s words to her daughter.

Carolina Soto remembered the hard moment she experienced for her daughter

Along the same lines, Carolina remembered when she was separated from her daughter. “It was difficult for us, separations are not easy nor on good terms either. “Time has given peace.”

“I appreciate everything that happened because it was very stormy, me being in Mexico and her here. “I lived in Mexico for 5 years and came every two months”recalled the former “Rojo” participant.

“I conveyed to her, now that she is older, that one must always take risks and fight for one’s dreams. I tried to do the best I could, I don’t know if it worked for me, there is no manual for being a mother,” she concluded.

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