The investigation into the detained soldier, a new hypothesis and the lawyer’s presumption: what is known about Loan’s disappearance

The investigation into the detained soldier, a new hypothesis and the lawyer’s presumption: what is known about Loan’s disappearance
The investigation into the detained soldier, a new hypothesis and the lawyer’s presumption: what is known about Loan’s disappearance

Loan has been missing since June 13

“Now we are against the clock”lament Roberto Mendezthe father’s lawyer Loan Danilo Peña. Contradictions in the detainees’ accounts and errors in the investigation hindered the progress of the case 11 days after the disappearance of the 5-year-old boy.

Justice works on the hypothesis that the child was illegally appropriated and transferred from Corrientes to Chaco, at least in the first instance.

Judicial sources indicated to NA that investigators point to the lunch shared by the minor’s relatives, other suspects, five minors, in addition to Loan at his grandmother’s house. When they finished eating, the six boys were taken to an orange grove with three adults, an uncle of the boy, Bernardino Benítez, Daniel “Fierrito” Ramírez and the wife of the second, Maria del Carmen Millapi.

According to the hypothesis, while the children were playing, Loan was separated from the rest and taken back to the house. The then municipal official was waiting for them there. Maria Victoria Caillava and her husband, Carlos perez, Captain retired, who participated in the lunch and had left with the excuse of going to see the River game. Immediately, the boy was loaded into a white Ford Ranger truck, owned by the couple, and taken to the town of 9 de Julio where he was transferred to a red Ford Ka in which it is suspected that he was taken to Resistencia, Chaco. “It took us time to find the key clue, there we have the cell phones that were used to transfer Loan,” said Méndez.

One of the images of the lunch Loan was at. Marked by the red circle, the marriage stopped
One of the images of the lunch Loan was at. Marked by the red circle, the marriage stopped

“I come to the conclusion that this was premeditated,” said the father’s lawyer, who asked to focus and analyze in depth the photos of the lunch in question: “This was premeditated to kidnap one of the children who were there and they took photos of all the creatures, they were going to pick up any of the children.”but “Loan fell in the wrong place, at the wrong time”he added in statements to TN. The lawyer insisted that he believes that the image was sent to someone to choose one of the 6 minors, within the framework of a perverse trafficking network.

This Sunday, intense hours were experienced again in Resistencia, after the collaboration of the Chaco Police and the Argentine Federal Police (PFA) was requested to raid properties linked to the former sailor Pérez. Specialized agents from the Complex Investigations Department and Canes Department joined the raids, providing expert tracking dogs and highly trained human resources.

Two homes were raided: one on 1310 Humaitá Street, Villa Itatí, where the former military man’s ex-wife resides; and a rented apartment on 915 Necochea Street, in the Juan Pablo II Tower, where it is suspected that Peña and Caillava were staying, they entered on Friday and left on Saturday at the Ford Ka, where dogs smelled Loan.

The prosecutors in the case already have the file of the retired ship captain in their possession. Official sources indicated to Infobae that Pérez voluntarily retired “after 37 years of service in the Navy”. He had joined the Force in 1980 and retired in 2017, with the rank of ship captain.

These same sources said that Pérez’s last assignment was as head of Audit of the EMCO General Inspectorate. “He was Director of Supply of the Navy,” they expanded.

Carlos Pérez, the former Prefect arrested for the disappearance of Loan
Carlos Pérez, the former Prefect arrested for the disappearance of Loan

Precisely, then they said that the researchers are analyzing his role in Loan’s disappearancestarting from file of the military. “They are seeing if there are similar events (to that of the missing child) in any of the places where he was assigned, and in coincidence with those destinations,” highlighted the sources consulted by this medium.

It is not illogical to think why the investigators investigate every detail of the ship captain (RE), who will be investigated this Monday, like his wife and the town commissioner, Walter Maciel, another of the 6 detainees, from whom Caillava and Pérez asked permission to go to Resistencia, to visit a daughter who is studying in the capital of Chaco, while upon returning they stayed at Loan’s grandmother’s house. Always according to what is unofficially suspected, the former military man would be pointed out as the one who planned the appropriation of the boy.

After the raids carried out on Saturday at homes linked to Pérez, the head of the Complex Investigations Department, inspector commissioner Rolando Sosaexpressed that the security force’s sniffer dog “did not mark anything” in the operations, as reported North Newspaper.

He also spoke last night Marcelo Hanson, lawyer for Ramírez and Millapi, the couple who are friends of Benítez, the boy’s uncle. They are detained initially accused of abandonment of person; However, this Monday the prosecution will expand the accusation. “I don’t know if he is going to insist or not on the abandonment of the person and I don’t know if he is going to accuse them of trafficking as well,” the lawyer said in statements to A24. “From the outset our theory was that the boy at his age cannot get out of there alone, someone took him out,” he pointed out and claimed: “Everyone has to be investigated, all the cars have to be appraised, all the phones have to be seized.” .

Marches and demand for Justice to find Loan in Corrientes
Marches and demand for Justice to find Loan in Corrientes

This Sunday at dusk several neighbors gathered in front of the Goya Prosecutor’s Officein Corrientes, to ask Justice for Loan. There were several children who accompanied their parents who carried colored cards in their hands asking for the appearance of the 5-year-old boy about whom nothing has been known since last June 13.

We want Loan alive. Let it appear, we want Justice. We are all Loan“, read the sign carried by a girl who was not yet 12 years old. While the image of TN focused on it, the adults shouted: “We want justice.”

Other posters asked: “Let Loan appear”; “children don’t touch each other” and “we want justice.” In parallel, a woman told the press: “Today we no longer trust anyone, nor can we trust the Police”. And another said: “I cried so much for that child… We want justice and for those who have to pay to pay. I am very angry”. A third mother acknowledged: “A lot of things happen, they cover everything. She didn’t trust anyone.”

Mariano Pena, One of Loan’s brothers asked that the justice system investigate each of those who were at the lunch at his grandmother’s house on June 13, which was the last place where the 5-year-old boy was seen.

“Let whoever has to fall fall, my dad or whoever. “I am convinced that everyone should be investigated, everyone who was at that table having lunch is suspected until proven otherwise,” he stated when interviewed in InfoVeloz.

Regarding his father’s responsibility, he ruled out his involvement in the incident: “I put my hands in the fire, but I don’t know what is being said. “They turned my little brother’s cause into a true media circus.”

Mariano insisted that his brother is lost. “I just want Loan to come back, he is lost, poor thing. He is not kidnapped, no one took him, he was lost. “I trust that they will find him,” he emphasized when trying to minimize the suspicions that fall on a Corrientes official.

“I think he got lost, but I don’t know where he is, obviously. I don’t think those who are detained have anything to do with it. I know Victoria (Caillava) and Carlos (Pérez). I trust them, I can’t believe they’re involved. Also, what did they find? I heard, on the one hand, that they found traces in the back seat, then in the trunk, they say different things all the time,” she justified.


For her part, Lidia Noguera, aunt of the missing minor, assured that the investigation was sloppy from the beginning: “If the baby was lost, we would have found him on the second day of the search. “It was the entire field and there were no traces of him.”

“I suspect everyone except Loan’s dad.. I was very suspicious of how the commissioner (Walter Maciel) acted because from the beginning I asked for July 9 to close and he never did. On the contrary, he liberated the area. If the prosecutor had listened to us, perhaps we would have found Loan. “Today we are looking for him throughout the country,” he said in statements. TN.

As for Walter Maciel, the minor’s aunt stated: “He said that we should let him work, that he was doing things well. But, for those of us who were outside, the procedure was not right. Then she started telling Loan’s mother not to march because she supposedly had orders from above. He wanted to silence my sister”.

Along the same lines, Loan’s father’s lawyer pointed out that “it is strange” how the commissioner “was kicking the ball.”

Fernando Burlando joins the case
Fernando Burlando joins the case

In the last few hours, it was confirmed that Fernando Burlando He will arrive in Corrientes to join the team that advises the child’s family. “We cannot let this happen to a creature,” the lawyer said. “We are finalizing details with one of Loan’s brothers and the colleagues who are working from there to be able to collaborate and join in this extremely delicate and complicated work,” the media lawyer said in a statement, while warning that “ “A lot of time was wasted” around the case.

Asked about Burlando’s participation, Méndez answered: “The more professionals who join, the better.” “Everyone out there has a specialty in some branch, their contacts with experts, and everything adds up,” he considered.

Loan’s father’s lawyer stated this Sunday that “we must unravel who the author, co-author, facilitators, concealers, and accomplices are. Beyond the lunch photo, there are third parties” involved, he considered.

“There is hope of finding him alive. We must move forward, faith is the last thing to be lost.”he concluded.

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