Messi: the gift that God gave him to play football

Messi: the gift that God gave him to play football
Messi: the gift that God gave him to play football

Lionel Messiwho is celebrating his thirty-seventh birthday, gave an interview during the America Cup with Argentinawhere he referred to his gift for playing football and He compared the National Team to Pep Guardiola’s Barcelona. Furthermore, he spoke about the self-criticism for defeatshe worst wardrobe where he had to be and the resignation and return to the Albiceleste.

The Albiceleste captain, in an interview with Juan Pablo Varsky on his Clank! streaming channel, spoke about his beginnings in football: “From what they say, from a very young age he was always different. People were going to see me. I didn’t realize it. “I began to understand that as I grew up.”

“I simply played because I loved the ball, I had fun being with a ball. It was my hobby. I lived all the time kicking and looking for someone to play with. I was born with that. I loved soccer, like most Argentines, since very young. It was always my way of seeing it, beyond my responsibilities, beyond the goals that one set for oneself when I was more professional. I always tried to have fun, as I did from day one,” Messi happily commented.

I am very clear that I was born this way because God chose me, it was a gift that he gave me. I tried to take advantage of it, I did everything possible to get the most out of it. The truth is, although I did many things, I didn’t do anything to be the player that I was when I was little,” he concluded about his gift with the ball.

The bitter debut with the Argentine National Team and the role of Kily González

Leo was expelled in his first match with the Argentine National Team after having been alone 45 seconds on the court: “I remember that I touched two or three balls. I had made a start before the play that they threw me out, very similar, but I didn’t understand anything when they had thrown me out because it had happened to me a lot of times that they grab me and want to get it out. from above. The referee didn’t have any tact either, he simply threw me out, which wasn’t a red card either.“.

“It was very hard for me because it meant my debut, my first game and for it to be that way,” commented the Argentine star and added: “I entered the locker room dead, they couldn’t contain me, but the locker room supported me a lot.or, Kily (González) told me: ‘The same thing happened to me and then I played for the national team I don’t know how many games.’ He was very affectionate, he attached himself to me and took care of me, both he and everyone. Scaloni also said that he had given me the first pass.”

Self-criticism and changing mentality

“I was always like that, very self-critical. I am the first one who knows when I do things right or when I do things wrong“, Messi began about his self-demand and continued: “Many times I piss myself off, how am I going to lose that ball, how am I going to lose that pass.”

At that moment, he recalled the play in the Qatar 2022 final that ended with France’s 2-2 draw: “For example, in the World Cup play I wanted to kill myself because although it was a loss far from the goal, near their bench , it was a ball that I lost because I wanted to make one too many, because I was stupid, because I didn’t try to move forward and also because when I want to take the last half step the ball is left behind and it’s far away and that’s where the ball runs. another and takes it from me.”

Regarding the defeats and how his view of them changed over time, he noted: “Over time you learn from defeats, it is difficult because there are defeats that are difficult to overcome oamAnd, at least, I don’t like to relive them. But in the long run it helps and makes you grow.”

Since the arrival of my first child, my way of seeing defeats has changed a lot.. I would lose a game and I could be locked up for two or three days without wanting to talk to anyone, going to train badly, with my head thinking about everything. But when Thiago arrived it changed everything for me, coming home and seeing him made me forget a little about what had happened,” Messi said.

Resignation from the Argentine National Team and his return

“2016 was the worst locker room in terms of sadness”Messi began about the fall in the final of the Copa América and added: “It was the third in a row. We had had a very good Copa América, reaching the final being much superior. In that final against Chile, at the level of play we were superior , and we lost again on penalties. As a result of all that, what happened to me and my statement“.

“When I missed the penalty I wanted to kill myself because it was the first penalty, the one that put us ahead. I wanted to hit him hard when I knew it wasn’t necessary, I was clear that I knew Bravo and well, that’s when I crossed myself. himself for not being able to put the team ahead after they had made a mistake,” Leo said.

On insertion into the new group that was put together in the Selección for his return to the Albiceleste, highlighted the role of Rodrigo De Paul: “It happened to me that it was very difficult for me to return to the National Team after what happenedor because they were all new, because I didn’t know any of them personally. Me It is very difficult for me to enter groups because of the way I am., even though I spent a lot of time in the selection. It cost me”.

“They had already played a couple of friendlies and won a couple of games, they already knew each other, and it was also like the beginning of a new generation for them,” said the forward and continued: “At that moment, Rodrigo helped me a lot because of his way of being. I remember that when I met him he reminded me a lot of Pocho (Lavezzi), he was very similar, very happy and very good for the group. “He made us all bring out the best in us.”

“The first day he approached me, we were talking, with Ota (Nicolás Otamendi) too. He made me join the group much faster than I would have imagined. I think it was a help for both sides, that he integrated me into the group and my position of getting rid of my shame and trying to be the one to take the step to get closer to the boys too, because it was something new for everyone and immediately it was very simple because when there are good people, it is much easier,” Messi revealed about the first moments with the new group.

The midfield of Guardiola’s Barcelona and the Argentine National Team

Messi pointed out that the team strengthened itself with the match against Brazil in the Copa América: “Beyond the result, we found a wonderful idea and meanswhere the majority at some point were hooked and it shows a lot.

“We began not to lose as many balls in the middle of the field and we did not make a strong effort with long possessions. All the midfielders have very good footing,” Leo remarked and concluded: “We found a little, bridging the gap and without comparing, what Xavi, Iniesta and Busquets were at the time”.

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