The work that will bring gas to 70 lots in a rural neighborhood of Cutral Co began – Cutral Co al Instante

During the day this Monday, the mayor of Cutral Co, Ramón Rioseco, toured the work of laying the natural gas networks for the residents of the semi-rural neighborhood Colonia 2 de Abril. Today the works began in that sector, which correspond to Stage 1 of the tasks that are being carried out in blocks 952, 953 and 955 B (located on Casa de Piedra, Cerro Cachil and Cerro Ranquilon streets).

It was reported that the machines began the excavation tasks for the laying of approximately 4,000 meters of pipes, which will allow the connection to 70 Lots in this first instance.

The following stages contemplate the installation of gas networks in the blocks: Ell: 950, 951, 958, 955C; EIII 956; EIV 954,955A, making a total of 10,035 linear meters of pipe laying.

This will benefit 190 lots once the works are completed. In this sense, the communal chief Rioseco stated: “at first, three years ago, we began working to bring energy service and today 90% of the neighborhood’s residents already have electricity.”

He added that: “last year we were able to bring drinking water and now we started with gas, which was a commitment that we had made with the residents of this sector in the campaign.”

The idea from the beginning was to do the work in stages. This is the most important part in this area because it is the largest and it is estimated that next year there will be natural gas in 100% of the neighborhood, explained Rioseco. “Here we are going to advance quickly with the work because in this sector we have more gas pressure, for this reason we want to emphasize that the neighbors connect to the network with all the pertinent security measures and with all the papers in order before the Camuzzi company, which is the one that provides the service.”

For his part, the Secretary of Public Works Henry Torrico said: “today we started with the trenching, the laying of pipes, and then completing the work stage by stage. The company’s staff and machines will continue working for this and other sectors over the next few days.”

Likewise, the president of the neighborhood commission of the Colonia 2 de Abril neighborhood, Raúl Troncoso, indicated that: “for us it is a very important achievement that these works have begun, because above all it will benefit approximately 100 families, so we can say which is a tremendous joy.”

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