NASA spacewalk on the ISS suspended due to problems with an astronaut’s suit – Science

NASA spacewalk on the ISS suspended due to problems with an astronaut’s suit – Science
NASA spacewalk on the ISS suspended due to problems with an astronaut’s suit – Science

Dyson and Barrat They managed to put on their suits and open the ISS airlock hatch at 8:46 local time (12:46 GMT), but had to notify the control station that there was a problem regarding water and cooling. of the suit.

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“The crew is working with ground controllers to repressurize the airlock section before returning inside the station,” NASA said in a statement.

The two astronauts planned to carry out a walk of more than six hours and removing a defective electronic box from a communications antenna located on the starboard structure of the ISS.

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The couple also intended to “collect samples of microorganisms to analyze them and understand the capacity” of these living systems to “survive and reproduce outside the orbital laboratory.”

Space walk, the 90th in the United States, is suspended

Dyson wears a space suit with red stripes, while Barratt uses an unmarked one. “The 90th United States spacewalk will be the fourth for Dyson and the third for Barratt,” NASA said before the start of the day this Monday.

He added that this is the space walk number 271 in assembly, maintenance and improvements of the space station.

Before this Monday’s rulings, the EEI had also announced that it has scheduled another space walk for next July 2 at 9:00 local time (13:00 GMT), in which astronauts will spend six hours “replacing a gyroscope, relocating an antenna and preparing for future updates of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer.”

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