What saints are celebrated today? Santoral for Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 07:04


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Saint Maximus of Turin is the first bishop of the diocese of Turin whose name is known. In that city in the province of Liguria, Saint Maximus called the pagan people to the faith of Christ. For this he used a solid word and a forceful doctrine. Both virtues were what led him to the prize of eternal salvation (c. 408-423).

Information about his life and works is uncertain. It is possible that he was present at the Council of Turin in the year 398. His episcopate does not seem to be placed before 380 or extended beyond 423. Regarding the place of his birth, there is doubt between Volterra (Trentino) or Vercelli (Turin). Those who lean towards the latter also hint at the possibility of a spiritual influence from Saint Eusebius of Vercelli. But there are no definitive reasons for any opinion. The date of his episcopal consecration is also unknown.

The Roman Church celebrates its feast day on June 25. Also that of Santa Orosia or Eurosia, who is the patron saint of Jaca and its diocese. Her body is venerated in Jaca and her head in Yebra de Basa.

Tradition says that Orosia was the daughter of the kings of Bohemia who came to Aragon to marry the Aragonese count Fortún Jiménez. The Muslims conquered the territory and took prisoners, among others, Orosia and her husband. The Muslim leader, Abén Lupo, ordered the murder of the entire entourage except Orosia, whom he intended to force to embrace Islam and marry the caliph of Córdoba. She refused, was tortured and finally beheaded.

Her attributes are the crown and the royal scepter, for being the daughter of kings, and the palm of martyrdom.

Tradition says that in the early morning of June 25, 1072, an angel appeared to a shepherd in the area of ​​Yebra de Basa, to reveal to him the story of the martyrdom and the location of the relics of Orosia, which were distributed between Yebra de Basa and Jaca.

On April 22, 1902, Pope Leo XIII confirmed the cult of Saint Orosia. Every June 25 there are two celebrations: one in Jaca and another in Yebra de Basa, from which a pilgrimage begins with the reliquary bust of the saint’s head. It develops along a spectacular path that leads to the meadow of Saint Orosia, at the foot of Mount Oturia, where her sanctuary is located and tradition places her martyrdom.

Saints of today

  • Saint Adalbert

  • Saint Gallican of Alexandria

  • Saint William of Goleto

  • Saint Moloch of Scotland

  • Saint Prosper of Aquitaine

  • Saint Prospero of Reggio

  • Saint Solomon of Brittany

  • Saint Tigris of Maurienne

  • Blessed Dorothy of Montau

Why is the saint celebrated?

The day of the celebration of the saints has its beginnings in Spanish lands thanks to the Christian tradition that was established centuries ago in Spain. But what does it really mean to celebrate the saint? Catholicism has taken each day of the year to remember (commemorate) those illustrious Christians who, in addition, suffered torment, on many occasions from those who repudiated the Catholic faith.

The link between the saint and the birthday

There is a word associated with congratulating the saint. This is the word “onomastic”, which refers to the day on which, according to Catholic saints, is the feast day of the saint of the person with that name. It is also common to refer to a person’s birthday as a name day, although they are not synonymous words. This happens because it was tradition to give people the name of the saint corresponding to the day on which they were born. In this way, saint and birthday coincided on a single date, commonly called name day.

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