Mapuches block YPF field and affect gas production

Mapuches block YPF field and affect gas production
Mapuches block YPF field and affect gas production

The Mapuche Paynemil community blocks YPF’s Loma La Lata field in Neuquén, demanding gas for their homes. The conflict could affect gas supply in Buenos Aires and other regions.

Since this Wednesday, the Mapuche Paynemil community has blocked access to YPF’s Loma La Lata field in Neuquén, paralyzing the production of various operators and generating concern about the possible impact on the gas supply in Buenos Aires and other points of the gas network. consumption.

The protest originated because the Paynemil community, which resides in the area, demands the provision of gas for their homes. “We have the field embedded within our patio and extracting gas for everyone, except for us,” declared Elba Paynemil, lonko of the community, to the newspaper Río Negro.

The conflict began on Wednesday when the community blocked the entrance to the oilfield, resulting in the detention of 280 people, employees of different oil companies, for almost 24 hours. The workers were unable to carry out the shift change after 10 a.m. and it was not until 3:30 a.m. that all employees were able to leave, leaving only a minimal guard at the plant.

Despite YPF’s attempts to establish a dialogue with the protesters, they have not been successful so far, which keeps access blocked and production affected. According to industry sources, “there are more than 3 million cubic meters of gas that, if the situation persists, will affect the supply in Buenos Aires and other points of the gas consumption network at times of high demand and climate crisis.”

The blockade has also paralyzed the Vaca Muerta gas hub, an important production point, seriously affecting the main operators. The conflict worsens because a truck to refill Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) has been in the place since yesterday without the possibility of access, since the protesters do not allow its entry.

The paralysis of production is beginning to worry, especially in days when much of the country experiences a polar wave and low temperatures increase the demand for gas. This critical situation could generate a shortage in the middle of winter, affecting thousands of homes and industrial sectors that depend on the continuous supply of gas.

The conflict between YPF and the Paynemil community is not new, but has been developing for almost a decade. In 2015, the community blocked entry to the Loma La Lata site, demanding that the Neuquén government carry out a territorial survey in the area, which they consider part of their community territory.

The intervention of Justice in this matter is already a fact, but so far the conflict has not been resolved. The Paynemil community supports its demand for access to gas, while companies and the government seek a solution that allows production to resume and guarantee the supply of gas to the consumption network.

The situation is becoming increasingly tense and the need for an immediate resolution is imperative to avoid a major impact on the country’s energy supply. The next few days will be crucial to determine whether an agreement can be reached that benefits all parties involved and restores normality to gas production and distribution.

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