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analysis and latest news live

Joe Biden and donald trump They measure their strength in a debate that paves the way for elections presidential elections on November 5. The candidates have not yet been proclaimed, Biden for the Democratic Party and Trump for the Republican Party, and they already have their first face-to-face meeting to convince the American voters who should be the next tenant of the White House. The current president, Biden, faces his predecessor, both of them plagued by two facts that will mark the campaign: the advanced age of both and the judicial scandals that have voters in suspense.

The current president and the tycoon have agreed to some Unusual conditions for American politicsafter agreeing on their impressions regarding the last meeting, in which no one was satisfied with the role of the National comission for Presidential Debates. The president and the GOP candidate will be face to face in the city of atlanta. Although the roles are now reversed – last time, Trump was still in power White House-, analysts expect them to continue to emerge as exponents of political polarization, since the feeling among citizens is still that they have not yet accepted the result of the 2020 elections.

Biden and Trump’s strengths

Everything indicates that in this first debate Joe Biden will resort, as a weapon, to the recent condemnation against Trump for fraud and the policies that the Republican supports that have caused him inconveniences, such as the abortionan issue that has caused friction between the Republican and the ultraconservative sector of his party. He will also include among his cards to play the role of Trump in the Capitol assaultin January 2021, when he publicly pointed to “electoral fraud.”

As far as Donald Trump is concerned, I would insist on the slogans he has uttered at rallies. In them he has called the Democratic candidate a “traitor and complete cretin” for not having categorically ruled out a arms embargo to Israel in the midst of the war with Palestine, without forgetting the number of times he has called into question the mental capacities of his opponent. However, one of his great resources for his argument falls out of the deck after the conviction of Biden’s son, Hunterfor illegal possession of weapons.

At the end of the meeting, both will take a break, since they will not see each other again until September 10, on that occasion on the network ABC. The confrontation in Fox The one Trump was advocating for has been rejected by Biden, who believes the Republican would be playing at home.

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