“I lived in terror”: Beatriz Alegret detailed episodes of violence during her relationship with Buddy Richard | TV and Show

“I lived in terror”: Beatriz Alegret detailed episodes of violence during her relationship with Buddy Richard | TV and Show
“I lived in terror”: Beatriz Alegret detailed episodes of violence during her relationship with Buddy Richard | TV and Show

Beatriz Alegret will be this Friday night in the new chapter of “We can talk“, where she will refer in detail to her past relationship with the renowned new wave singer, Buddy Richard.

In a preview to which BioBioChile was able to have access, the former Argentine vedette declared that Ricardo Toro (the artist’s real name) was a “very loving” person with her initially.

However, everything changed when Alegret agreed to formalize her relationship with him a month after they met. According to her story, The first attack appeared on the same day they established their relationshipin a hotel in the capital.

Beatriz Alegret for her violent relationship with Buddy Richard

“He performs, then we go to the room, there was a radio, I turn it on and Zalo Reyes is singing. I tell him ‘how nice he sings’. The first combo he hit me with sent me into a closet. So hard.“, Beatriz revealed.

“The change was so terrible that I had to grab my bag and leave and never come back, but there is inexperience, he tells you. ‘forgive me, I don’t know what happened’ and you fall“said the former artist.

Alegret explained that the violent episodes were very frequent because the singer “I drank a lot”. With this, he assured that due to the blows lost teeth.

“I lived in terror and fear for many years. If someone drank, I thought, ‘Oh, he’s going to attack me.’ The word ‘Buddy Richard’ meant terror to me.”he added.

Regarding the psychological violence that she expressed having experienced, she said: “It always made you see that You were rubbish, so you came to believe that you were rubbish, that he was the important one.“.

Another episode, according to Beatriz, occurred in the extinct “El Parrón” restaurant. There, the singer-songwriter would have told him “‘What will people say when they see the singer and the star?’ He always told me that but that day he bothered me and I said ‘What will people say, the star and the drunk?’ He bothered her so much that he slaps me“.

“As he hit me hard my nose bled.”. I got up, grabbed my purse, I told him ‘I’m going to the bathroom and I’ll be back.’ “I ran away, took a taxi and went to my apartment,” she revealed, detailing what had happened all that night. hidden under her bed in the dark to make it look like he wasn’t at home.

On another specific occasion, Beatriz Alegret said she feared for her life: “I had a little balcony (in her apartment) and he wanted to throw me. It’s the first time I asked ‘Please Buddy, don’t kill me’…I grabbed him, opened his face with my nails and The next day he was looking for me“.

The former dancer stated that It all ended when he left the countrywhile the interpreter of “Your love is leaving me”I was in Australia. Before leaving Chile, she said she had been contacted by the singer’s ex-wife, Rita Góngora, who confessed to having gone through the same thing with the artist.

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