This is how the operation for the 46th LGBTTTIQ+ Pride March will be in Mexico City

This is how the operation for the 46th LGBTTTIQ+ Pride March will be in Mexico City
This is how the operation for the 46th LGBTTTIQ+ Pride March will be in Mexico City

MEXICO CITY (apro).- Security at the 46th edition of the LGBTTTIQ+ Pride March, which will take place this Saturday, the 28th, will be guarded by 2,373 police officers from the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) and an attendance of 250,000 attendees is expected, reported the head of government, Martí Batres.

The local leader announced the above in a press conference, accompanied by the Undersecretary of Traffic Control, Francisco Javier Moreno, who reported that the SSC will establish from 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 29, the security device that will have 2,373 police officers from the Undersecretariat of Police Operations, Traffic Control, Participation and Crime Prevention, as well as the Auxiliary Police, the Banking and Industrial Police and personnel from the Tourist Police, in addition to elements of the General Directorate of Human Rights.

The uniformed officers will be supported by 90 vehicles, 32 motorcycle patrols, five tow trucks, four motorcycle ambulances, six ambulances and a helicopter from the Condor Unit, distributed in the vicinity of the march route that will begin at the Angel of Independence and end at the capital’s Zócalo.

Traffic closures and alternative routes

Moreno explained that the Undersecretariat that he heads will carry out the road layout, the accommodation of vehicles, as well as traffic cuts in line with the concentration, therefore, he shared the road alternatives with motorists:

  • To the north: Eje 3 Oriente, Francisco del Paso and Troncoso, Bicentenario Circuit, Periférico Ring, Calzada de Chivatito and Arquímedes.
  • To the south: Axis 3 Oriente, Francisco del Paso and Troncoso, Bicentenario Circuit, Peripheral Ring and Axis 1 Oriente Beltway – La Viga.
  • To the east: Alvarado Bridge, San Cosme Riverbank, Doctor Loza River and Chapultepec Avenue, Fray Servando Teresa de Mier and the 1st North Rayón Axis.
  • To the West: José María Izazaga, Avenida Chapultepec, Avenida Constituciónntes, Ribera de San Cosme, Calzada México–Tacuba, Presidente Masaryk or Eje 3 Sur Avenida Morelos-Baja California.

He added that the paramedics from the Emergency Medical Rescue Squad (ERUM) will remain on alert with the ambulances for pre-hospital first contact medical care, activating the emergency services for the evacuation or transfer of people who require it.

Government workers from Mexico City are deployed

The Secretary of Government, Ricardo Ruíz Suárez shared that two thousand workers from 23 agencies will attend on behalf of the capital’s Government, and explained that one thousand of them are linked and led by the Human Rights Mechanism, so they will be along the march. helping and supporting so that it is carried out properly.

The Director General of Government, Adriana Contreras Vera, pointed out that the brigade referred to by the Secretary of Government includes the Secretariat of Women, the Secretariat of Labor and Employment Promotion (STyFE), the Secretariat of Inclusion and Social Welfare (SIBISO), and the Youth Institute (INJUVE).

He said that the workers of these departments will come to provide various supports, and will wear an orange vest, with the exception of the Human Rights Brigade.

Where to find mobile toilets and medical care?

Contreras Vera also pointed out in which streets mobile toilets will be installed:

  • Closed of Manchester and Paseo de la Reforma.
  • Nice and Paseo de la Reforma.
  • The Amajac Roundabout in Morelos and Versailles.
  • The National Lottery.

Meanwhile, he explained that the medical care modules will be located in Juárez and Iturbide, Ángela Peralta, El Empedradillo and Mexicanidad.

Members of the Heroic Fire Department and the Secretariat for Comprehensive Risk Management and Civil Protection (SGIRyPC) will be in charge of carrying out an inspection of the floats that will be marching in order to avoid accidents, the director stressed.

Participating agencies

The official specified what the participation of the agencies that are part of the operational deployment will be about:

  • SGIRyPC: 40 elements will attend, supported by eight motorcycles and three trucks.
  • Secretariat of Works and Services (Sobse): It will participate with 350 people, 35 vehicles and eight sweepers.
  • The Ministry of Health (Sedesa): It will have 26 personnel and four service modules.
  • LOCATEL: With 30 people and four modules, as well as a presence in the modules that Sedesa will have.
  • Command, Control, Computing, Communications and Citizen Contact Center (C5): Monitoring of security cameras.
  • Executing Body of the Comprehensive Human Rights System: It will participate with 70 people, who in addition to providing help and support to the population, will be prepared for mediation.
  • Legal Department: Will install a module of the Itinerant Civic Court.
  • The Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City: Will alert the territorial coordinations CUH-4 and CUH-5[1].
  • The Administrative Verification Institute (INVEA): Will provide information and guidance in establishments on the topic of alcohol sales.

Modifications to public transport

Regarding the participation of the Ministry of Mobility (Semovi), Contreras said that it will make various adjustments to its Ecobici service, and said what the adjustments will be in public transportation:

  • Collective Transportation System (STC) Metro: On Line 2, service will be cut from the Zócalo station and there will be controls at the Allende and Pino Suárez stations.
  • Metrobús: Line 7 will only reach Glorieta de Violeta, and service on Line 1 will be interrupted. In addition, there will be adjustments to the routes of Lines 3 and 4.
  • Trolleybus: A circuit will be implemented on Line 1, service will be interrupted on Line 5 and a possible electricity cut, if necessary, in the Central Axis due to the possibility of some risk in transit.


Speaking at the event, the Director General of Sexual Diversity and Human Rights, Jaime Morales Beltrán, issued a series of self-care recommendations to those attending the march:

  • Hydrate yourself.
  • Use sun protection.
  • If you come in a group, do not separate from it.
  • Charge cell phones in advance.
  • Take care of minors.
  • Be careful with belongings.
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