Twist in the Loan case: the aunt confessed that the child is dead and that it would have been an accident

Twist in the Loan case: the aunt confessed that the child is dead and that it would have been an accident
Twist in the Loan case: the aunt confessed that the child is dead and that it would have been an accident

The disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña in Corrientes took an unexpected turn this Saturday: sources of the investigation confirmed to Infobae that Laudelina Peña, the boy’s aunt, confessed that the ship captain (RE) Carlos Pérez and his partner They would have run over Loan and that the child is dead. The woman, who would have helped cover up the fact, he gave his statement during the night of Friday before the prosecutor Gustavo Alejandro Robineau, but was not stopped, as reported to this medium.

Your sayings now were referred to federal justice who was handling the case, who must ratify what she said, questioning the minor’s aunt again –as a witness or already as an accused– and also corroborate his version with physical evidence. Then you will have to decide on What jurisdiction does the case follow? If, as the version circulating today says, it was an accident, the case should return to the provincial jurisdiction because it would be an ordinary crime.

If the version of the accident is confirmed, a lifting traces from the vehicle in question could provide proof of the impact that took Loan’s life: there should be a trace of blood or any tissue, or a mark detectable with reagent tests.

In the list of more than 50 pieces of evidence that the Corrientes Public Prosecutor’s Office sent to the federal court, there is no forensic analysis of the cars of Carlos Pérez and his wife, only a dog tracking that indicated that Loan was there. In this regard, sources from the federal court assured Infobae that there was a trace lifting between the tests, but they did not specify if they were made in the cars of the accused couple.

This noon provincial president, Gustavo Valdés, She announced on her X account that an important step had been taken in the resolution of the Loan case and, in a second post, she referred to the statement given by Loan’s aunt in the last few hours. “Laudelina testified both before the Attorney General’s Office and before the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Corrientes, and would have narrated how the events of the Loan Case occurred. Everything that has been done is being referred to the Federal Justice to proceed according to the law,” the governor posted without giving further details on the matter.

Laudelina Peña and Mónica Millapi go to the orange grove. In front of them, you see children, but you can't see if one is Loan.
Laudelina Peña and Mónica Millapi go to the orange grove. In front of them, you see children, but you can’t see if one is Loan.

This Friday, the person who had committed Laudelina in the context of the case had been her own brother, José Peña, the father of the missing child. It was during his investigative statement that this aimed directly at the minor’s aunt and wife of Bernardino Antonio Benítez, another of those arrested in the case.

When everyone goes to the orange grove, the one who takes Loan there is Laudelina.. I saw it. And I followed them with my eyes until I lost sight of them,” said the man. After this, he reaffirmed his sayings: “I never let Laudelina out of my sight and Loan went with her.”

José later explained an extremely curious fact: “After a while Laudelina comes back and asks me about LoanI told her that he had gone with her. But she told me no, that Loan was with me. But I saw that he left with her”.

Gustavo Valdés on the Loan case
Gustavo Valdés on the Loan case

The accident hypothesis is surprising due to the development of the events in the case of the Corrientes investigation jurisdiction. An accident involves a charge of manslaughter, a releaseable crime. Pérez refused to testify in his investigation, as did his partner and Commissioner Walter Maciel. Because His defenses allowed the situation to escalate into a possibly more serious charge. like human trafficking or murder? If Loan died from an accident and nothing more, why didn’t they confess from the beginning?

Loan Danilo Peña
Loan Danilo Peña

Why did the people’s commissioner even cover up a crime that, a priori, would not have implied preventive detention? Today, the three defendants, as well as Laudelina’s husband, Antonio Benítez, are locked up in federal prisons.

Given the secrecy of the accused, prosecutors Mariano de Guzmán and Alejandra Mangano had raised the idea of ​​an act of “organized crime” in their request to begin the investigation. Unofficial conversations by other investigators pointed to what had been discussed over the past week: a case of illegal adoption, sexual or labor slavery. There was never any talk of an accident.

Yesterday afternoon, those responsible for solving the case were waiting for the beginning of the tests on the 20 cell phones seized from the accused and Laudelina Peña, which were going to be carried out in the laboratory of the Telephone Testing Division, located in the historic PFA building in Azopardo and Mexico. The investigations – the beginning of which was not officially reported – represented the chance of a break in the investigation due to the silence of the accused. Today, Laudelina’s breakup changes everything. In any case, her testimony must be corroborated with forensic evidence.

After analyzing Laudelina’s complaint, who has not yet been charged in the federal case, prosecutors Guzmán and Mangano will take the pertinent measures to determine her statements. The hypothesis that Loan died in an accident and was later covered up, for now, does not work for the federal justice system.

Now, the doubt that runs through certain investigators is whether Carlos Pérez’s truck was optimally preserved by the Corrientes Police to undergo an exhaustive examination that would confirm or discard Laudelina’s complaint.

If the truck was poorly preserved, or not examined in time, the evidence that would define whether or not Loan was killed could have been lost.

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