Two people died in an aircraft accident in Castro del Río (Córdoba) – Society

Two people died in an aircraft accident in Castro del Río (Córdoba) – Society
Two people died in an aircraft accident in Castro del Río (Córdoba) – Society

(Updates NA6105 with new data)

A man and a woman, between 40 and 56 years old, died this Saturday after an accident involving an aircraft that collided with the ground in the municipality of Castro del Río (Córdoba).

Civil Guard sources have informed EFE that at around 9.30am they received a call from a private individual warning that an aircraft had crashed in the middle of a field in the Cordoba town of Castro del Rio, in an area surrounded by olive groves next to the A-3129 road.

The emergency services were immediately activated and among the remains of the accident, the rescue teams found the bodies of two people, specifically a man and a woman.

The first investigations have determined that the two-seater plane had departed from an airfield in Seville and was destined for the region of Murcia.

For now, the specific reasons that caused the event are unknown and investigators are analyzing the remains of the crashed plane to determine the causes.

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