This is how the peso woke up in Mexico | Halftime

This is how the peso woke up in Mexico | Halftime
This is how the peso woke up in Mexico | Halftime

Axel Gutierrez

Mexico City / 06/29/2024 11:55:00

Today Saturday, June 29he interbank exchange rate according to figures from Bloomberg, It is located at 18.34 pesos per unit of currency, this reflects a Negative appreciation of 0.66% compared to the last quote. The Mexican currency ends the last week of June above 18 units given its parity with the US currency.

During the month of June The Mexican peso represented a significant decrease against the dollar, this is reflected by closing with a 7.74% dropspecifically the amount of 1 peso and 32 centavos, this being its worst monthly performance since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020.

In addition, this sixth month of 2024 witnessed extreme fluctuations, citing the day of June 2nd where a minimum of 16, 9183 pesos. On the other hand, on the 12th of said month the maximum was 18.9929 pesosa figure that was not seen from March 2023.

How did the dollar close yesterday, June 28?

Yesterday, The Mexican peso closed at 18.2862 units favoring a global weakening against the US dollar, this represented a slight recovery in the exchange rate compared to how it had closed on Thursday.

The general average in Mexico’s banking institutions yesterday Friday was 18.20 pesos per dollarwith purchase values ​​of 17.84 and on sale 18.57.

Buying and selling price of the dollar in Mexican banks today

This Saturday June 29 of 2024, the banks in Mexico are offering buy American dollars at 17 pesoswhile For sale it is 18 pesos.

  • Affirm: to purchase 17.30 and 18.80 for sale
  • Azteca Bank: to purchase 16.90 and 18.61 for sale
  • BBVA Bancomer: to purchase 17.24 and 18.78 for sale
  • CitiBanamex: to purchase 17.75 and 18.73 for sale
  • Inbursa: to purchase 17.80 and 18.80 for sale

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