Tons of rotten mandarins dumped in a landfill due to low consumption

The video posted by a rural producer went viral on social media. The causes of the crisis in citrus farming.

A truck unloads nearly eight thousand kilos of rotten mandarins in a garbage dump in Entre Ríos. The image that combines the drop in consumption and climatic conditions went viral on social networks as an example of the crisis facing citrus producers.

“We noticed that there is a serious problem with consumption, there is no strength, because if today they pay you 150 pesos for a kilo, the numbers are no longer adding up for the factory at 150 either. In front of you there is a liter of diesel that costs 1,300 pesos in the province,” said producer Elvio Calgaro, who filmed the video, in conversation with the program Colonia Agropecuaria, on AM550.

The leader of the Agrarian Federation and former president of the Federation of Citrus Growers of Entre Ríos explained that the fruit is perishable and if it is not consumed it begins to rot.

“We were doing well and the offers were keeping up with the demand for mandarins in the last two or three years, due to the drought there was a balance. But then the rains came, accompanied precisely by the problem of the economic recession that exists,” he said about the situation of the sector.

Calgaro pointed out that 70% of national production is destined for fresh consumption, 20% is distributed to the industry and 10% is sent for export.


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