Will an asteroid hit Earth in 2038? NASA warned | News from Mexico

Recently, there has been circulation rumor on a possible impact of asteroid in 2038. However, this information is incorrectHere we tell you what really happened and why some media have misunderstood the facts.

The simulation exercise that unleashed chaos

It all started with a simulation exercise carried out by the POT and other international organizations to evaluate their answer’s capacity in the event of a hypothetical asteroid impact. This event, known as the Planetary Defense Interagency Tabletop Exercisetook place in the Applied Physics Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, USA.

Following this exercise, numerous media outlets took the results of the experiment as true facts, announcing that the asteroid exists and its eventual impact with Earth.

The hypothetical scenario

Between April 2nd and 3rdalmost 100 experts of over 25 organizationsincluding NASA, FEMA and the Department of State Office of Space Affairsmet to discuss how they would respond if an asteroid had a 72% probability of impacting the Earth the July 12, 2038. Participants faced a scenario where the asteroid, of uncertain size and unknown composition, disappeared behind the sun for seven months, further complicating planning.

What did the experts do?

During the exercise, experts considered three options to confront the asteroid:

  1. Wait for it to reappear to get more data.
  2. Send a spacecraft to fly by the asteroid and learn more about it.
  3. Launch a mission to closely monitor the asteroid.

Most agreed to send a ship to obtain more information, although they expressed concerns about how quickly such a mission could be organized and whether adequate funding could be obtained.

Are we prepared for an impact?

Contrary to what some media have suggested, the simulation showed that We are better prepared than ever to face a scenario like this. NASA’s recent DART mission, which managed to deflect the asteroid Dimorphos, demonstrated that the kinetic impact method is viable to protect our planet. Additionally, NASA plans to launch the Near-Earth Object Surveyor telescope in 2028, which will improve our ability to detect dangerous asteroids.

NASA’s exercise is not a sign of an impending impact in 2038. It is actually an ongoing effort to improve our preparedness for potential space threats. These simulations are crucial to ensuring we have the tools and knowledge necessary to protect our planet in the future.

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